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(A/N hello! I finished chapter 15 pretty quick!! I absolutely love this chapter. It's super cute and was really fun to write, that's why I got it done faster than the others. Now I'm writing chapter 16, which is an Austin chapter, and those generally take longer to write because I don't have as many ideas for the plot. But I will have it up for you as soon as I can! Thanks y'all, you're amazing, and don't forget to vote! --Haley)

THREE DAYS HAVE passed since the conversation about moving to McAlester, and a lot on the topic has happened. The house sold yesterday, to a couple that is ready to move in immediately. My parents bought the house on Brittany's street. Today, they've started packing up their belongings in boxes, again, and they plan on moving out by next week.

I, on the other hand, am still refusing to go with them. I don't want to leave after I have just started a life here, and quite honestly, I haven't been enjoying living with my parents lately. They baby me, they don't realize that I am a legal adult now and can make my own decisions.

So I've made my decision. I'm staying here.

It was all very sudden, but over the last three days, Sydney and I have gotten much closer. I would even say that I am as close to her as I am Morgan. I trust her, even.

So when I told her about my dilemma, she suggested the option that I am nervous about, but excited for: I am moving into Sydney's apartment with her.

My parents aren't too pleased, but honestly, I don't care. Today I moved my stuff into my new shared apartment. Today I started the new, grown-up chapter of my life.

And as for Landon, not much has happened with him for the last three days. We've texted some, but I haven't seen him. I'm not really sure what my feelings are for him yet. I may like him.

I may still be terrified of him.

I'm laying on the couch in my new apartment, texting Morgan and waiting for Sydney to get back from the movie store. She went to rent us a movie to watch tonight. It's Sunday, and yeah, I have school tomorrow, but...who cares? I can stay up late if I want to.

So far, I'm loving this new life.

My phone begins to buzz, and I look at it, expecting to see Sydney calling...but instead it's Landon.


My heart pounds fast in my chest as I push the "accept" button.



"What's up?"

"Um, watching TV," he says. "Look, I was and me have been getting along a little better lately, right?"

"Um...I guess so."

"So I was wondering...the state fair is in town, maybe you'd like to go tomorrow?"

I bite my lip to keep from smiling. "Landon, are you asking me on a date?"

He scoffs. "I've already tried that approach, that didn't work out."

"I would love to...I bet the Oklahoma State Fair is very, ah, interesting. But I have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, and I have uni tomorrow. I'm ditching, you should ditch, too."

I think about this for a moment. I really do want to go. But my parents would kill me...

But like I said, who cares what they think?

"Okay," I say, totally surprising myself.


"Sure, why not?"

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