Lucia Adela Corvinus and Angelo Renborn Servantes

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Lucia Adela Corvinus and Angelo Renborn Servantes

"So, I guess it's good you're already getting your memories back," Angelo says slowly, his voice taking on an unsure pitch. I don't feel good about this not at all.

"Memories of who?" I cut in impatiently.

"Lucia Adela Corvinus. She's you; you're her," he looks down before continuing. "Adela, you... you've been reincarnated... countless times. You're like an immortal soul, but you carry your memories and powers with you." These words didn't make sense to me. This can't be right. "You KNOW. But, well... your last life, was a little... chaotic... and-"

"STOP with your damn stuttering and get on with it," I hiss.

He sighs, turning away for a moment, and I can see the pain in his eyes. "In your last life, you lived disguised as a Corvinus, as did I. We were sent for an original purpose, but with all the years, I'd forgotten, and all you had left was blood-lust; not in the vampire sense either. You, you were like brutal killer.

"At some point, a message came from someone, who you said you knew, but I had forgotten. The message was a mission for both of us to... murder everyone from within the Corvinus family. Human or vampire, child or elderly, all were to be killed.

"You... you pretended to be sad about it, as if you dreaded it, but I knew you wanted it. Even when your own LOVER was invited to the "party" where our little mission would be carried on, you still wanted it.

"You put on a show for everyone that night. Feigning innocence, pretending you hated every moment closer to the time. By then, I had sealed off all exits, just so no one could escape. When I noticed people were already trying to get out, I alert you.

"Everyone watched as you walked to the center of the ballroom. They thought you were going to make a toast to Ethan, as he was your so acclaimed lover. But you surprised them." As he says the words, pictures begin to reform themselves in my mind. I see myself parting from Ethan, smiling a little as I knew what was to happen.

"Wings sprouted from your back, black like the starless night. And a scythe appeared in your hands, beautiful, yet deadly. The guests all thought you were some sort of goddess of the night, coming forth to "bless" the Corvinus.

"But when the killing started, only then did they realize the threat you posed." Slashing, blood spilling all over me, coloring the world crimson red. Bodies hitting the ground, screams echoing through the whole place. My laughter drowning it all out.

"I soon joined you after, killing everyone in sight, and when I thought it was done, I turned just in time to see you behead the one you loved."

"Goodbye, my love," I say lightly, cupping his face in my hand. He stares at me with those pained eyes, and I can see the start of tears form in his eyes.

"I WILL find you, be it me next life. I WILL. And when I do, you'll be mine," were the last words he spoke, before I slashed right through him, clean cutting his head off his body. Blood spurt out and some of it actually landed on my face. I wiped it off and licked it, savoring the spicy, yet sweet taste of a Pureblood's blood.

"I was horrified at the sight, I couldn't believe what you had done. And neither could you. The moment you snapped back from your killing spree it was too late. Every human feeling you'd ever neglected seemed to attack you.

"You broke down, literally. I could see blood red tears trail down your face," I'm breathing hard, feelings overwhelming me. Pain, jealousy, mercy, love, death, hate, guilt, betrayal. It's killing me!!! "right as you took your own scythe, and stabb-"

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