New Beginings

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Adela's P.O.V.

"Don't you DARE say my name from that filthy mouth of yours' Demon." I glare furiously at Angelo. How dare he!? After all these years we've been friends, and he suddenly breaks his one and only promise to me just because of lust! Just because I smell so good to him?!

He stares at me, like a wounded puppy. That's not going to work on me.

The anger in me seems to send itself to my bracelet as power ripples off of it. I guess it's time I use my scythe on Angelo. I let the power flow come more smoothly, let the scythe slowly make itself from the bracelet.

Now Blake's staring, seeming to be mesmerized by the silver scythe. But Angelo's eyes look more shocked than surprised. I take the scythe expertly in my hands, and put the dagger against Angelo's throat.

That seems to wake him up, as his eyes flash black instantly, right before he attempts to teleport. I say attempts, because, I pierce his neck then lightly with the tip of the blade. That small movement stops his escape all together.

"Don't even TRY to escape me," I hiss. I bring the scythe up high again, this time going for a clean cut of his head, when I'm suddenly attacked by the wind. I squint against the gale, fighting to keep myself upright.

Damn, I should've KNOWN Blake was on Angelo's side! That's why Angelo's been going out to their estate lately! Because they're friends, accomplices, acquaintances, I don't know. But I do know I can't trust either of them now for sure.

Which means I need to leave. Like right now.

So I let the gale take me to the door, and then kick it open, almost breaking the hinges. I hear someone hiss, "Holy crap!" as I run outside, scythe still in hand.

"ADELA!" I turn just in time to stop Angelo from tackling me down to the ground. I stop him once again with the tip of my scythe.

"Leave me alone!" I yell at him, emotion taking control of me as I slash at him angrily. He dodges easily, seeing as I'm not using any good fighting tactic. God, I HATE him.

And suddenly I feel my back erupting with power, heat, and pain. I scream, falling to the floor, scythe clutched hard to my side.

"ADELA!?" I feel Angelo's hands at my shoulders, trying to "help" me, but I push him away with all the force I have in me. And then, the pain's gone, just as quickly as it had come.

I stand up, only to hear strangely loud flapping sounds from behind me. I turn, but don't see anything. I hear the flapping again, from behind me, and this time only turn my face. My jaw drops.

I have WINGS! And they're BLACK!!!! Why the heck do I have WINGS?! I stare in confusion for a moment, when I hear Blake from inside the house mutter, "Lucia?"

I turned to face him, a murderous look on my face. If looks could kill, I'd use them against him. And then I realized I could probably leave faster with these wings, right? So I tried them out.

The wings were slow at first, and Angelo kept trying to pull me down, but when I got the hang of it, I was speeding away. Where, I don't really know. All I know was that I was leaving and was not coming back.


I stopped at a nearby forest, not really having the will to fly anymore. I wonder how birds can take flying for a whole day without getting tired! I mean, after not even ten minutes, my muscles began to ache, my whole body felt like lead, and I couldn't take it anymore!

I lay on the ground, not really caring that it's partially wet, and just close my eyes. I really need a good rest where I'm NOT knocked out, because then I wake up with just a plain headache. I do NOT like headaches.

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