What Do You Say?

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SO, i am feeling very inspired and couldn;'t help but write in Blake's POV. Lemme just tell you, but thanks to this chappy, i finally have my stories straight, reasons straight, and i know why the Corvinus want Iris dead. I know why so many guys are after Adela. I know why Ian is going mad. I know why the guys have some sort of accesory (besides Angelo... you'll see what HE has LATER) that has the same pattern as Adela's bracelet. And i know what the next chapy is about! Expect a new one maybe tonight, if i can be productive in the two hours i have til nine (which is when i usually do my homework)

Oh, did you guys n\kno theres a snbow storm in Chicago/Des Plaines? Were i live! It's been snowing since the morning, and i am hoping that there is no school tommmorow so that i can 1) SLEEP IN!!! 2)Not having to worry about my orchestra teacher hunting me down for missing lessons 3) WRITE!!!!!

So, enough of that stuff. ENJOY!!!!



"So... she's alive?"

I smirk, knowing I finally have the upper hand. "Alive and healthy. And protected." I spat the words out with distaste. Living with the Black Flame wasn't protected, it was being trapped. Like a beautiful canary trapped to sing forever within a dark cage...

"But... where? And how? I- she DIED!" Angelo looks up at me with those panic stricken eyes. His black eyes flash closer to a maroon tint, and it takes my all to not kill him. The time for that will come soon.

"To answer where would give up the point of my asking you to come here. To tell you how I'd have to lie to you. Now, what I can tell you, is that unless you want little Caleb Vandelarez to claim her as his, you better work with me." I pause to look at his expression. Pure horror; shock; anger. Good. I like my victims to be that way. "After this little collaboration of ours is done with, I and the Corvinus family will not bother you, and you will not bother me. Understand?"

Angelo's eyes flash darker until they're back to black, before he looks up to me. I'm going to have to make a note to his emotions and the change of the color of his eyes later. "Yeah, but what exactly do I have to do?" his eyes stay hard as they stare down at me, but his voice quivers with an unsure tone.

"Simple. Make her remember." even as I say the words, I feel a small bit of regret in the pit of my stomach. Originally, I'd erased her memories so that wherever she was, she wouldn't stay in permanently, or go away to hide from me. That way it'd make it easier to find her.

And then to claim my rightful place as her cheval- Not now. Those thoughts are best left for later.

"By remember you mean make her remember about being Lucia? About Ethan?" he hisses angrily, and next thing I know, I'm slammed up against the wall of my living room. When the time comes, I will make him suffer slowly.

"No, I don't." I slap his hands away, before throwing him down to the floor. "What I'm saying, is that Adela has completely forgotten who she is. She only knows her name. I want you to MAKE her remember," I state simply, folding my arms over my chest.

"Now, what do you say?"

"Fine. I'll work for you, BUT, what happens afterwards? What happens to Adela then?!"

"That all depends on Adela when she remembers. Now, as your first mission, you will be transferring to St. Lawrence Academy as a demon and will be going into Dorm Two, as Ian had been previously." I look down at my watch, and seeing that there's no more time for me, I face Angelo coldly and say my last words. "Do not even try to betray the Corvinus. We WILL find you."

And with that finally said, I gusted away in the wind. It took a few minutes, but then I was in Ian's room and on his bed. "What did he say?" Ian spun around on his recliner chair, facing away from the blinking light of his laptop. His red eyes told me all I needed to know. We didn't have much time.

"He's accepted. It's not too long 'til it happens, so don't worry. In the mean-while..." I take out a blood bag from my pocket. That blood supplement doesn't work on us Old Souls. Especially Ian, being the person who he USED to be. "Drink this. You need it."

I watch sadly as Ian snatches the bag out of my hands hungrily and simply bites into the bag before drinking it all down like a Rouge. I sigh. Once the Blue Flame is killed, he'll get better for sure. When he's done, he looks at me for a few seconds, his red eyes slowly dilating to a more maroon color before his mind can fully focus on anything. "Thanks. I really... needed that."

"Yeah, you did." I sigh, before closing my eyes. "Call me if ever you feel the need, alright? I don't want the Madness to take you over before the plan can even be deployed."

"You talk like you care about me."

"I do." But not because I want to. You are the key to something GREAT. As Adela's only true relative, you carry something NO ONE has. And I want that.

I grab a hold of my cross, the one that had mysteriously appeared when I first met Lucia, and then Adela. My weapon. My rite.

I give him a sad smile, before throwing another blood bag in his direction. His eyes widen and his pupils dilate as he gives into the thirst. I leave before he finishes, and decide to just fly around for a while. In two days as planned, Angelo will be in St. Lawrence, Dorm Two. By then, the REAL fun will start.

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