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So, i was dead on ideas. i couldn't think over whos POV to switch to, when i remembered the OTHER point to the story that leads to shadowed rose. So, i thought i needed to start giving you guys some hints as to whats going on with the guys (Especially Daemon. He DOES have bigger part than just helping Adela when she ran away.) back in Illinois,since everyone else seems to be in either St.Lawrence Academy, Wisconsin, or at the Corvinus Estate/the Hybrid hangout in Illinois.

And for those of you guys who don't realize this near the end, simce im lacking in proper detail of Blake, it is Blake that shows up. Not Ian. Blake. Ian is crazy. XDD

Read, enjoy it, comment on it, and vote for it. :)

(Oh yeah, this is in DAEMON'S point of view)


"Man, you should've SEEN it! Jeffrey was actually able to lure someone in BECAUSE of his blindness. Is that cool or what?"

"Just peachy..." I drone, downing another can of orange pop. Lately... I just haven't been myself, and even the guys have noticed. My black sword, Fuyu (A/N: Means winter in Japanese), has been acting so weird too. Whenever me and the guys go out to train ourselves a bit, it just starts reacting like crazy. Either it won't change, it starts swinging on it's own, or I can't control it period.

Especially when the new moon isn't covered by clouds. It's only been red for a few nights, but the change is still noticeable. The other Hybrids have been needing to feed more. Rouge's seem to be on rampage every now and then, so that I HAVE to kill them all, and then the local vampires are just plain annoying with the way they blame everything on US.

It's not like we did anything wrong, but it's just the fact that we were born from both vampires and DEMONS (who supposedly hate each others guts) they have to blame everything on us.

I sigh, downing yet another can of orange pop. Damn, we need to get more normal food besides plain pizza and pop. All this sugar is killing me!

"Daemon, why don't you at least TRY some blood? We're all demons and vampires here, so just try it. I don't see why you don't have to drink any." Cathy sits on top of me, straddling me by the waist. Oh yeah, have I mentioned that lately I've been wanting to punch Cathy in the face? Well, I have.

Right after Adela left, it was like my head cleared up, because that's when I saw how much of an idiot I was for giving into Cathy because of lust. Stupid slut has a guy every single day, so why does she even bother with me? 'Cause I'm the freaking leader of the place. God, I hate her so much!

I push Cathy off my lap and finally get my ass off the couch. A moment later, Cathy wraps an arms around my waist, whining and saying I don't know what. I don't really care as I push her off of me again and walk up the stairs to my room. Cathy starts tugging at my hand, but before she can even try to do anything else, I give her a death glare that says, "Don't you DARE follow me," and the walk up the rest of the stairs to my room.

The room was as empty as usual as I walked in. My bed from before had been stained with a blood last week when one of the guys decided that they wanted to do more than just drink blood. That sickened me, and I had to throw out the bed, unable to wash the covers, or the mattress.

So now I had to sleep on the floor, and boy was it COMFORTABLE (insert sarcasm here). Plus, every time the red moon WAS out, it felt like my neck was burning. Is that bad, 'cause I've never been bitten before. And then again tonight the pain came. I groaned, rolling around for a few seconds until the pain dulled.

When I opened my eyes, it was day already. Damn, this is the third time this happens! I don't even get any sleep because of this stupid new moon! I sat up groggily and stared out the broken window for a few seconds, not really seeing. And then I heard an engine and the sound of cars parking. Oh, crap. This does not look good.

Running down the stairs three at a time, I started slamming on the walls. "Guys, get you asses working, RIGHT NOW! We've got four Volvo's outside filled with humans and there is furniture down here. START WORKING."

Instantly the room was filled with a bunch of fretting vampires, all of them hurriedly carrying whatever they could up the stairs and onto my floor. I watched the whole thing go down, while listening at the same time. Our little visitors were having a quick chat before entering, and there was some obvious fear in one of the voices.

"Are you sure you want to go in there, master? These are Hybrids we are talking about!"

"Yes, and? There leader is a chevalier. He'll know not to kill me. Yet." Huh, this guy seems overly confident, but how does he know about the chevalier thing? That was something only I know, and no one else. Not even the guys know. I tensed my muscles and walked up to the entrance, looking through the microscopic peep hole.

Two vampires stood a few feet away, one with golden/brown hair and striking green eyes. I knew that look. He seemed to notice me, because a second later his eyes lock with mine, and this weird feral growl comes from my lips.

He replies in much the same way, his green eyes momentarily flashing silver, before he recovers and smirks at me. "We are definitely at the right place, right Daemon?" So, he knows my name. Is that supposed to be good or bad?

I turn around for a quick second to see that the room is more than half empty. Damn, they better hurry up!

I turned back around just in time to see the vampires eyes a few inches away from the peep hole. He smirks. "Boo."

I growl again, before backing away from the door. Everyone else gets the message and stops what they're doing. Everyone stand behind me, or more like crouches, ready to pounce at any given moment. A few of the more vampiric hybrids hiss, while the demonic ones keep silent and try to break into the intruders mind.

This is the usual strategy. Us demonic Hybrids attack mentally, and the vampiric Hybrids attack physically. I don't join in with the mental attacks though, because of Fuyu. Ripping the choker off from around my neck, I watch as the tiny beads meld into each other, before stretching out and becoming one. Becoming Fuyu.

"Get ready," I whispered throughout everyone's minds, and a few replied by hissing still. The doors open widely, letting in some light from the outside. Luckily, a while ago I realized their weakness to light and decided to get rid of the photophobia. So now, as the sun touched their faces, none reacted at all. We were... the perfect army, I guess.

"Daemon, would you please put Fuyu down and speak with me?" Ok, how does he know the name of my sword? No one besides me and the Hybrids should know about that, and I doubt anyone would cross us for vampires.

"How do you know about the chevaliers?" I hiss back, hands still wrapped tightly around Fuyu. The Hybrids behind me also felt a bit confused, but only because of the way that I was reacting by not telling them to attack.

The vampire smirks, and I watch as he takes a cross necklace out from under his shirt and grabs hold of the top half like you'd grab a sword. And then he rips it out of the chain. Black swirls of air follow around the cross as it grows in size to match a swords, and the chain it's been held on becomes more of a bind on the hilt and on the vampires wrist, so as to keep from losing a hold of it.

He smiles like there's something funny going on, and his eyes flash violet like before as he walks forward and stops only a few feet away from me. "Because I am one."

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