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She fell asleep in my arms eventually, as me and they guys spoke. When everyone was sure Adela was sleeping so soundly she wouldn't wake up, they turned to me with their questions.

"So, what were you two doing before we entered, and why did she say, 'help'?" Ryan asked, his silver eyes piercing my own.

"It's obvious this girl doesn't belong here, I mean, she's a SHADOW! Don't you realize that this world will only kill her more!" adds Jeffery, his blue eyes looking straight at me, though not in the eyes. "That girl belongs on earth... She can even read minds and I know she's not an average Shadow."

"She's not..." I admitted to him after a moment. I- I didn't know how to tell them the truth. I closed my eyes for a moment, before deciding to go with the start of it all. "Well, you guys know how my counterparts a demon right?" they all nodded, still looking at me with hard eyes. "Well, she's.. she's the reason I exist. She erased the memories of my counterpart, Osaius."

"WAIT," Jeffery quickly cut in. "Erasing memories can't make a new living entity!" he raised his hands in the air, showing his frustration. His bluish eyes seem to burrow holes into me, and I have to look away.

"Originally, no. It's because she's... she's Lucia's shadow." everyone seems to just stiffen, and Alex from beside me scoots away, obvious fear of what this girl can most definitely do. "She used a Death scythe to take my memories, and said, "Death can take, Life can make. I choose to take, Thy precious memories,"" I say the words lightly from memory, the scene of that day embed in my mind. "Those words created me."

"Ok, I get that she created you, but why is she HERE," Daemon hisses, his red wings ruffling around unsteadily. He's uncomfortable because Adela's right here with us.

"That I don't know. You're the one who pointed her out to me, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, I remember..." he grumbles looking down at the floor. "But she belongs on earth! And you're the only one who can travel between worlds freely."

I roll my eyes. This again. "She can't fly at the moment though. She's too weak and her wings are wounded-"

"Because of you," Jeffery cuts in, and there's this strange anger in his voice. He stands up suddenly, putting all eyes on him, as he spreads his wings and begins to walk for the window. "Angelo, I get that this girl means a lot to you, but there are some things about her that I can see that you don't want. I suggest you carry her back to earth to continue her life where it stopped before things get worse here." He turns back to the window, and right before jumping, whispers so lightly only I hear, "Her death will mean chaos." A moment later his wings unfold, and he's gone from sight, the window left slightly ajar.

I turn to face the guys accusing glares, before each and everyone of them gets up and just flies out the window too. Damn, now I feel like an idiot for letting them know. I look down at Adela's sleeping face, only to find to red eyes staring up at me with distaste.


Another short chapy, i know. that just means we are having another change of P.O.V., riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight??? XDD

anyways, i really want to know what you guys think of this so far.... (I feel kinda left in the dark at the moment) so PLEASE comment? and vote???


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