Blood And Carnage

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So, for now, i've decided that this will be the last chapy in Adela's POV. sorry, but with what;s going on, i can't really let you see what's going on in her head and what she;s thinking. It;d be too complicated, and i don't feel like writing it. (i know, im lazy, but i doubt you want to end up being confused cause i SUCK at explanations!

Anyways, for the people who know what Azrail (or who) is, don't spoil it, please. And people, don't search it on google cuz your not going to get much. ^^




"Adela, please listen to me? I know you're mad, and I know that you think you know him bu-"

I spin around angrily on my heel and put a single finger to his lips, cutting off what other nonsense he was about to spew. I looked him hard in the eyes before speaking. "Don't tell me what I'm thinking. You're not in my head, (A/N: Not like he can get in it anyway. XDD) so you wouldn't understand this, but I KNOW him! I KNOW his voice, I KNOW his name. I just don't remember his face..." I sigh, continuing on m way to somewhere that Caleb wasn't.

"Adela, I get it that you're trying to remember, but Angelo said it himself, he doesn't kno-"

"SHUT UP!" I put my hands to my head sighing in frustration before letting myself calm down a bit more. "He's lying. I know he is... He's so... readable. Even if he masks it all, it's like a transparency. I can see the lies that he wants me to see, but then I also see the truth just behind it." I run a hand through my hair lightly brushing away the strands in my face.

"No, Adela, he isn't. Think about it. If he knows who you are, then why would he lie about it?" That is a good point, but then there's a lot of good points to something that'll steer you away from the truth. I have to rely on instinct to actually GET the truth.

"I don't know, alright! But he's lying. Why else would he be from the Corvinus and come here when they have all the money for private tutors? Why do I remember that name specifically? There's a connection, and I'm not willing to give up just yet." I begin to turn back around to go for another escape, but a strong hand grabs a hold of my wrist too tightly for me to break away from.

"Adela, you probably only know the name because of class. Please, just stop going overboard with all this. I promise you, I have people searching for your real identity, so just stop worrying."

It takes all I have not to slap him. Caleb's lying too, just like everyone else is. I can't trust anyone in this academy, it seems. "You say people are searching for my identity, yet let me ask you something. Why is it that when I woke up that first day, not even a week ago with no memory, you seemed to know damn well who I was? Why is it that you keep insisting I stay with you when I can just go to some orphanage? Why is it that YOU have to be watching my EVERY LITTLE MOVE!?" I didn't wait for his answer. I just turned away from him, running through the halls randomly and hurriedly, going as fast as ever possible for me. Yet still, Caleb caught up, not even looking a bit winded as he kept a steady pace with me.

"Adela, just give up and stop, please?"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell right back at him, before pushing my legs harder than I've ever done before, going so fast that everything around me became nothing but a blur. It didn't matter though. I had already become accustomed to the Dorm, memorized the halls and the way they went. Eventually we made it to the entrance doors, the sun barely beginning to set now, when Caleb started acting out and trying to stop me for real.

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