Red Angel

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After a while, Adela finally listens to me, and just goes to sleep peacefully in my arms as I walk to my condo. It's so confusing though, as I stare down at Adela with my own eyes, instead of looking through my counterpart, the demon Angelo's eyes. She's everything he thought of her as, everything his eyes and mind conveyed.

A beautiful black dove amidst thousands of "normal" white doves. And I can even see the solitary look in her eyes when she'd woken up, despite her being a bit groggy. But when I had tried looking into her soul, I found nothing where it should be. She really IS a shadow. And I guess she's been done with whatever task she'd been given.

I sigh as we reach the elevator to my apartment (yes, I can fly up to my room just fine, I just don't feel like it) and just lean against the wall. Adela groans slightly in protest, and I realize I'm accidentally squeezing her too tightly to my chest. I pull away a little and she calms down again, lightly snoring away.

I can't help but smirk at this. My demon counterpart's always DYING just to hold her like this, and the first time I see her in person I carry her. Score one for the Red Angel!

When the elevator finally makes it's stop at my room (I own the whole floor) I'm not to careful, as I carry Adela over to my room. You see, I may have a big condo, BUT that doesn't mean my room's that big, since I barely am ever in it. Actually a while ago, I had a grand chunk of it added to the living room, so it's probably even smaller...

I open the small wooden door to my room, and groan when I realize I only have a twin bed. No way can we both sleep on that bed, since she'll freak when she wakes up laying on top of me. I sigh, laying her down gently on my bed, tucking the blanket around her, so that she's nice and warm, before walking away, a pillow and blanket in my own hands. Guess I'll just sleep on my couch.


Short chapy, i know, but i've decided to split the chapters by each P.O.V. which means... you may either get insanely long chapters, or very short, small ones. TT.TT

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