The Beginning of The Past

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Adela's P.O.V.

I feel very awkward as we walk back to the ware house. Why, may you ask? Well it has something to do with the fact that only five minutes ago Daemon was talking about how we DIDN'T like blood, and well, now I just can't stop thinking about the taste of Ethan's blood!

I mean, talk about lying without even saying a damn word! And this guy's too cheery compared to the last time I saw him. He had told me that there would be no "happy reunion" and what does this feel like?

A happy reunion.

Well not really happy I guess, seeing as I was kinda crying. I'm still a little pissed off that he even SAW me cry, but oh well I guess it's my fault for even letting myself cry. And I feel like I'm rambling in my mind. I should really stop that.

So I turn and face him his thoughts seeming to be in another world. His eyes are distant, and he doesn't even seem to realize where we are going. I test out that theory by tugging on his arm, and forcing him to turn around.

That's when he snaps back to reality. Looking down at me curiously, he turns us back on our way to the warehouse, and I can't help but laugh. Very loudly. Wait, since when do I laugh?!

I just stop walking then, because I am very confused. And that's when more thoughts come to mind.

This isn't me.

I don't laugh.

I don't cry.

(I do not feel...)

And I definitely DO NOT befriend people so easily! Look at Angelo! I've lived with him for at least ten years, and I STILL can't trust him. Especially now, after what he did...

"What's happening to me," I groan looking up at the clear sky. I look down at my bracelet questioningly. It's the only thing that I have that ties me to the past, besides Lucia's memories.

And suddenly, I feel like I'm being consumed by darkness. My first reaction is to scream (what the HELL!? I DON'T scream for help!) thinking it might be Angelo, since well, his teleportation kind of works like that... But after a while, I find that that's not it. Slowly, the darkness evaporates, and brings me to a strange white room.

People begin to form, and the place acquires more details. It looks like Roman, maybe Greek architecture, with a touch of Victorian... And then I see all the black roses (A/N: has NOTHING to do with the title...) on the floor, on the walls, and I feel myself fall to the ground.

Pain sears through me, and I hear my heart thundering in my head. What the hell is this place?! I try to shut everything out, to black out the world around me, when I hear something.

"Lucia, how DARE you go against me?! I am the leader of the council and I WILL-"

"That matters NOT to me, as you are not my master. I have only one master, and he is dead. But I know his will, and I know he wishes for me to protect his legacy. Your order does not control me, nor does it control Osaius!"

"Oh? Does it not? Osaius, come forward!"

I look up and see a man, black flowing hair put behind him in a pony tail, with eyes of different colors staring down at a boy. He looked to be about eight, maybe nine years old. And he looks just like Angelo...

The boy looks horrified as he walked to the podium where the man stood. I walk closer since no one can see me, and I realize the man's eyes are red and blue. One red; one blue.

"Osaius, what are you doing?" I finally face the girl that's been addressed as Lucia, and I feel myself freeze.

She looks just like me. But her colors are all messed up! Her skin is partially tanned, a perfect opposite to my pale complexion. Her hair is as white as snow, whiter than that actually. And her eyes are a stunning blue.

She's like my twin, yet at the same time, my complete opposite. I'm confused as I stare at her as I find more and more similarity's and differences we share.

What the hell is this? Some kind of a flash back? But, this isn't the Lucia Blake and Angelo knew. She wasn't even close to their description of a heartless killer. She was something WAY different.

The boy, Osaius stands next to the man, his eyes are sad and regretful, but unwavering as he stares at Lucia. "I am truly sorry, dear friend, but I am no longer under Vince's control, and neither are you!"

I watch anger and betrayal flash over Lucia's features, and for some reason unknown to me, I feel it too. I run up the steps and find myself right next to Lucia. She clenches and unclenches her fists taking slow steady breaths.

"Yes, you are no longer a servant to Vince, but that doesn't mean you must become Ozerat's minion!" Next thing you know, she has wings too, just like mine. Only difference is, they're white. They glow beautifully, flapping around her majestically. "I am NOT leaving the Versulius no matter what you say! And if you really want a servant like me, only one who will do as you wish, fine! But know that she is NOT me," she yells the words while power seems to just flow freely around her, growing more and more to the point of engulfing the whole room.

And then, every feather of hers, every white beauty from her wings, just break away from her. She fades away with them, the last thing I see from her being her eyes. Everyone gasps, as the blinding light takes away all senses, even my own.

And then it's done. The blinding light gone. The feathers gone too without a trace. I'm left shocked and frozen.

And then something strange, and out of the ordinary happens.

I start to glow. My hair, barely at my shoulders, starts to grow longer, all the way down to my knees, perfectly straight and tame. My body grows too. I feel taller, my legs longer, stronger. Faster.

And then my wings come in, black and majestic, almost like Lucia's. They begin to grow too, spreading out farther than the length of me and maybe five other adult bodies. Which is LONG.

My scythe also appears, only it's plain black, with red (I think they're made of ruby's) vines slipping all around it. On the blade of the scythe, there's intricate designs of roses and thorns all over it, glowing darkly, if that makes any sense.

And somehow, everyone can see me now.


To all of you who have been going nuts wondering what Adela is, here is the BIGGEST clue i'll EVER give you, got that? Read the chapter "And i thought history was boring... Guess not" From Eternal Rose, and then read this chap again, and ur noggind might just go "DING" and some of yours won't. For thoise of you who can't find out, you'll have to wait a while... SORRYw!!!



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