Chapter 3

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Adrien/ Chat Noir's POV

I woke up to sound of Plagg whining in my ear.

"What do you want Plagg?" I asked the little kwami groggily.

He floated up next to my ear and whispered, "Cheese."

Of course.

After getting the pain in my neck what he asked, I quickly showered and got dressed. Once I finished I heard a knock at my door.

"Adrien, it's Nathalie. Come into the hall I need to discuss something important with you." My father's assistant said. I walked into the hallway and stood across from Nathalie.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well Adrien, your father has some business to attend to in Belgium and I am going too. Since you are old enough, we have decided to let you stay here. Our flight leaves tonight. Your father is already at the airport. Take care of yourself while we're gone."

I didn't move. I just stood there staring at her. They were going to leave me by myself? "How long will you be gone?" I asked, wondering how long my extreme loneliness will last.

"We will be gone for seven weeks." She said and started walking away.

Seven weeks? Seven weeks?! That's almost the whole summer! I'm going to be alone in this giant mansion for seven weeks? And my father didn't even care to tell me, let alone say goodbye. I ran back into my room and jumped on my couch. I buried my face into a pillow, and sensed Plagg floating above me.

"Oh c'mon Adrien it's not that bad, at least we'll have the whole house to ourselves! Which means more cheese for me!" He said enthusiastically.

"Not... Helping..." I said, my voice muffled from the pillow.

I needed some fresh air, I couldn't take being trapped in this suffocating house. "Plagg, claws out!" I said and jumped out the window.


I ran around Paris, a warm breeze flowing through my messy blonde hair. But then I came to a complete stop. About ten feet away from me was my partner, Ladybug.

Oh no, I thought. Not now.

We stared at each other for a few moments before she took off. That's right. She literally ran away from me. I just stood there in silence. I wanted to cry and scream at the same time. I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore. I ran to Marinette's house, knowing she is the only one that can help me. She's the only one that cares.

Once I arrived, I landed on her balcony and knocked three times on her trapdoor.

Marinette's POV

Tap tap tap.

I climbed up my ladder, already knowing who it was. Chat Noir.

I opened the trapdoor, and looked up at him, tears in his eyes. "Oh Chat, come in. What's the matter?" I had a feeling I already knew the answer.

He jumped down and sat next to me on my bed. I put my arm around his back to comfort him and tears started flowing from his eyes.

"W-well, this morning I was informed... that my... father... Is going away for almost the whole... summer..." He said in between sobs. "T-then, I saw L-ladybug, and I wanted to... apologize but she... she... ran away from me." He said as his voice cracked.

I tightened my grip on Chat and leaned back with him in my arms. "Shh... It's okay Chat, it'll all be okay..." I said and felt him relaxing. After a while the sobs stopped, and I realized that he was asleep.

In my arms.

On my bed.

Before I could wake him up, tiredness took over me and I joined him in peaceful slumber.


I woke up with Chat still asleep. I rolled over and checked the time on my phone. It read 5:34 pm.

What? How is it already 5:30? We slept for seven hours?! How? I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I looked next to me and saw Chat sound asleep. I didn't want to wake him up, so I quietly crept down into the living room/kitchen area of my house. I stared making lunch- I mean dinner.

A few minutes later I heard footsteps and saw Chat Noir emerge from my room. "Have a good rest sleeping beauty?" I asked teasingly.

"Haha very funny, I'm sorry for falling asleep on you. What are you making?" He asked and looked over my shoulder into the pot on the stove.

"Dinner, I hope you like spaghetti!" I replied and laughed.

"Wha- dinner? What time is it?" Chat asked and looked around.

"About five thirty, believe it or not." I said and went back to making the spaghetti. Once it was finished, I applied the tomato sauce and grabbed two plates. When I was done, Chat was already sitting at the table with a fork in his hand.

"Here you go!" I said and pushed the plate in front of him. He started slurping the spaghetti into his mouth. "Oh my gosh Chat, you're so gross!" I said and laughed.

"Oops." He said and laughed with me. After we both finished, I went over to the couch and turned on the TV.

"Weather warning: severe thunderstorms headed directly for Paris. Very strong winds. Power outs expected. We advise you stay indoors for your own safety." The news reporter said. I looked outside the window and saw an almost black cloud covering the sky. Soon enough it started heavily raining.

"Hey Chat, I think it's best you spend the night here. The news lady said not to go outside and it's looking pretty bad already. I have an air mattress you can sleep on, if that's alright with you." I said and faced him.

"Sure, there's no way I'm going out in that weather. Want to watch a movie?" He said and sat on my couch in the living room.

"Sure." I said and sat next to him. I played The Princess Bride, one of my favorites. Apparently he'd never watched it before, and the whole time we were laughing our heads off- whether it was funny or not. When it was over, I went to my room and made my air mattress for Chat to sleep on.

"Goodnight Chat." I said and got into bed.

"Goodnight Princess." He replied and jumped onto the mattress.

About thirty minutes later a loud boom and crack were heard from outside. Must be the thunder, I thought and rolled over. A few moments later I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"M-Marinette." Chat whispered.

"Yes Chat?"

"Umm... I-I've always been a-afraid of lightning and thunder... c-can I s-stay with y-you?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes at the scared kitten. "Of course you can Chat."

I immediately felt a pair arms wrap around my stomach, holding me close. I'm so glad it was dark, my face was flushed a deep red.

"T-thank you, Marinette. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, kitty." I said and fell asleep, in the comfort of Chat's arms.


This ship will be the death of me.

Hope you enjoyed this, and don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you so much for reading, also please give me ideas for future chapters! I already have some ideas, but I want to hear what you guys want.

Until next time! 💕🐞

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