Chapter 8

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Marinette woke up the next morning to Tikki shaking her. "Wake up Marinette!"

"Just five more minutes..." Marinette said and rolled over.

"But Marinette, you're an hour late to school!"

Marinette's eyes shot wide open. She jumped out of bed, threw on her usual clothes, put her hair in a single ponytail, and ran out the door.

"Marinette. I'm glad you could find the time to join us. Please take a seat, I'll make Alya fill you in." Her teacher said sarcastically.

Marinette walked into the class room and saw Adrien. She smiled at him, but he just turned away. Marinette frowned and sat down.

"Girl, what was that about? Did something happen between you and Adrien?" Alya whispered.

"Not that I know of... I'll ask him later." Marinette said and started working.


It was the end of the day and Marinette was desperate to know what was wrong with Adrien. She saw him walking down the stairs of the school and chased after him.

"Adrien!" She shouted but he didn't react. She ran up next to him and he stopped walking.

"Adrien, are you okay? What's wrong?" Marinette asked with confusion.

"You should know, Marinette! Chat Noir told me what you did to him. He told me everything. I can't believe you. Please, don't talk to me, don't look at him, don't even think about me. I'm done Marinette." He said harshly and entered his car. As he drove away, Marinette couldn't take it. She ran home, and once she entered her room, she broke. She cried for hours, no matter what Tikki would say. They hate me. Adrien and Chat both hate me. They both know I'm Ladybug and will never forgive. I ruined my life.


Marinette woke up the next morning and pretended to be sick. She couldn't dare face Adrien. She just stayed in bed all day, eating treats from her parents bakery and watching comedies to try to cheer herself up.

She looked over at her clock. Eight o'clock. It was time for patrol with Chat. She knew he didn't want to see her, but she had to protect Paris. She wiped her tear-stained cheeks and transformed.

As she jumped over Paris, she saw a black figure jumping a few buildings away. Chat Noir knew Ladybug was there, but ignored her. She doesn't care about you. She was lying. He kept telling himself.

At the end of patrol, Ladybug ran to Chat before he go away. "Chat please, I need to talk to you!"

Chat didn't respond. He didn't care. Before he could hear anymore of her lies, he jumped away.

She broke his heart. Then she fixed it. She made him fall in love with her again, just to break his heart. She lied. This is the sick little game she plays. She's just a heartless person. There's no other reason. Chat thought as he completely ignored Ladybug and ran back home.

"Kid, you should've listened to her. Let her explain. Even if you don't forgive her, just listen to what she has to say." Plagg said once Adrien detransformed.

"I don't care what she has to say Plagg. She broke my heart. Twice. She doesn't care about me."

Plagg sighed. He was on Marinette's side, he knew why she did what she did. Adrien was just impossible to deal with when he gets mad like this.

"C'mon Ladybug, you can do this. I believe in you." Plagg quietly said to himself, before going to sleep.

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