Chapter 6

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Marinette's POV

I woke up in the morning to get a text from Adrien. I nearly fell out of my bed when I saw his text.

A: Hey Marinette! I was wondering if you'd like to meet up at the park?

M: Totally! That would be great. Can we go at 12 o'clock? I just woke up!

A: Sounds good! Sorry for waking you!

M: Its no problem. See you there!

I put down my phone a squealed. "Adrien wants to hang out with me! Ahh!!"

"Calm down Marinette. Remember, you still have to get ready!" Tikki told me and I dashed into my closet. I grabbed a new dress I recently made. It was black at the top, but at the waistline the rest of the dress became black and light green stripes. Yes, it was inspired by Chat Noir. I stepped out of my closet and put on matching green flats. I pulled my hair back into a single ponytail.

"You look great Marinette! But... How am I supposed to come with you?" Tikki question. The dress didn't have any pockets, I guess I really didn't think of it at the time. "Sorry Tikki, but can you stay here? I don't have anywhere to put you can I prism is if anything happens, I'll come home right away."

"That's okay Marinette, have fun!"

I put a few chocolate chip cookies in my room and left the house. I checked the time. 11:55 am. Perfect. I walked to the park and looked around for Adrien, but I didn't see him. I didn't worry, we said 12 o'clock, there was still five minutes left. I walked around and sat on a bench underneath a tree. I decided to go onto my phone and play some apps. I opened Wattpad and read fanfics about my favorite show and ships. I found a fic and it looked pretty good, but it had forty-two chapters that were all super long! I was very popular though so I decided, why not? I still have some time! Even though I'm a slow reader, I have a few minutes.It was titled Mibecca - Love of My Life. Mibecca is my otp, I couldn't resist it.


"I'm sorry Rebecca, but I can't do this anymore. Goodbye." Michael said as he walked away from what he thought was the love of his life, and never saw her again.

The End.

I closed out of the app and softly cried. "Who wrote this? Did they purposely want to break my heart? Who ends a story like that! I hate the author so much, but their story was really good so I'll follow them anyways." I said and clicked the follow button.

"Wait, I finished the forty-two chapter story? What time is it?" I checked my phone. It read 6 pm. How? To be fair, I did read a ton of fanfics, and I had to stop and cry for a few minutes. But the real question was: Where was Adrien? Oh no, what if something happened to him? I grabbed my phone and checked my messages. Suddenly, I got a new text.

Adrien: Marinette! I am so so sorry I didn't show up, I completely forgot! I hope you can forgive me!

I didn't bother to respond. He forgot about me? He forgot about me? This... This is unbelievable! I stood and decided to get some food. I told myself I wasn't going to cry, but a few tears fell down my cheeks. I can't believe he forgot.

I walked to a coffee shop and bought a donut. I walked back to the park and sat on a bench, silently eating my chocolate-covered donut and watching the sunset. Out of the blue, a teenage boy who looked a few years older than me came and sat right next to me.

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