Chapter 11

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Marinette stood up as she felt the darkness take over. Finally, she felt powerful, no one could push her around. She walked over to her mirror and looked at her new outfit. It was just like her Ladybug suit, she still had her yo-yo, but her suit was completely black.

She grinned widely, then took off to destroy Paris.

Meanwhile, Adrien was in his room pacing back and forth.

"What's the matter kid? What's got you all freaked out?" Plagg asked. Plagg may seem insensitive, but really, he deeply cares about Adrien. Even if he doesn't always show it.

"Plagg, I'm worried about Marinette. What Chloé said really got to her." Adrien said and finally sat down. He turned on the tv and checked the news, just in case.

"New akuma terrorizing Paris." A reporter said. Adrien's eyes widened when he saw who it was.

"Marinette." Adrien whispered and covered his mouth.

"What did you say?"

"MARINETTE! Marinette's been akumatized! How am I going to capture the akuma if she's Ladybug!"

"Calm down kid. Just put the akuma in a jar and wait for her to purify it. No big deal." Said Plagg and continued eating his cheese.

"What do you mean 'no big deal'?! This is definitely a big deal! Plagg, claws out!"


Chat Noir raced across rooftops, trying to find Marinette. He followed the screams, and finally reached her. She was standing on top of a building, and giving people bad luck with her yo-yo. With the light that usually comes out of her yo-yo when she purifies an akuma, she shined the light on then and automatically gave them bad luck. People would walk into buildings, trip over their own feet, cars would spin out of control, it was complete chaos.

"I am Lady Misfortune! I'm sick of people always pushing me around, making fun of me, and most of all, having bad luck! Now, everyone will know how I feel!" Lady Misfortune shouted, and continued giving people bad luck.

"Marinette stop!" Chat yelled and jumped onto the same roof.

"I am no longer Marinette! That annoying and clumsy girl is gone. Lady Misfortune is here to stay!" She yelled and opened her yo-yo.

Before the light could hit Chat, he ran up to her and jumped on top of her yo-yo, closing it. He ran off the building and into an alleyway, trying to form a plan.

The akuma must be in her yo-yo, but how am I supposed to get it away from her? I don't want to hurt her. Chat thought and started forming a plan until he heard Marinette's voice.

"Kitty cat... Where are you?" She said as she walked down the street. Chat finally thought of a plan and took action.

"Up here, catch me if you can!" Chat yelled at her from a roof and started running away. Lady Misfortune evilly grinned and chased after Chat Noir.

They both landed on one roof, and immediately started fighting. Well, it wasn't really fighting, since Chat Noir refused to hurt her.

It went on for a while, Lady Misfortune trying to zap him and Chat skillfully avoiding each beam.

"This is boring, why don't you just let me zap you and call it a day?" Lady Misfortune said and pretended to yawn.

"Nope, I have a better idea," Chat Noir said and smirked. "Cataclysm!"

Chat Noir took his hand and touched the roof, which soon started to rumble and multiple cracks led to where Lady Misfortune was.

The roofing started to crumble underneath her feet, before collapsing. She grabbed the edge of the roof just in time as the debris fell to the ground below. Lady Misfortune was dangling from the roof by one hand as Chat walked over to her.

"Ugh! You will pay for this!" She yelled and reached for her yo-yo. Her expression turned frantic when she couldn't find it.

"Looking for this?" Chat smirked and twirled the yo-yo around his finger.

"Don't~!" Lady Misfortune yelled, but it was too late. Chat put the yo-yo under his foot and crushed it. Once the akuma fluttered out, he took a glass jar and caught it.

"There we go, all better." Chat smiled and helped Marinette up. But as soon as he pulled her up, she passed out into his arms.


Chat carried Marinette home after she passed out. When a miraculous holder is akumatized, it tires out the kwami, as well as the holder.

Chat opened her door and set her gently on her bed. He was about to leave before he noticed something on her left arm. Blood.

He carefully pulled up her sleeve, and gasped when he saw many scars all over her arm.

"Oh princess..." Chat said softly and stroked her hair. "Get some rest, I'll be back later."

And with that, Chat kissed her forehead and swiftly jumped out her trapdoor.


I'm sorry this is so bad, I suck at writing fight scenes 😅

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