Chapter 4

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Marinette/Ladybug's POV

I woke up to see an empty spot next to me on my bed, and automatically heard a scream from outside.

Really Hawkmoth? An akuma attack this early? Give me a break!

Once I transformed and ran outside, I saw Chat Noir already in battle.

"I am L'invisible, since no one has ever noticed me, I'll make sure no one notices you!" A teenage girl wearing a completely white dress said. In her hand she was holding an invisible ink pen, and whenever she would aim it at someone it would turn them invisible.

"The akuma is in her pen!" I called out to Chat and started running towards the girl. Chat didn't respond to me, only nodded his head.

An hour passed, we had both used our powers and had to recharge already. "Chat Noir, use your cataclysm on her pen while I trip her!" I commanded. Chat nodded and ran to the girl. Coming up behind her, once Chat was close enough I quickly swung my leg in front of L'invisible which caused her to trip. When she fell, the pen rolled away and Chat used cataclysm on it. The akuma soon flew out.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" I said and caught the little butterfly with my yo-to. "Bye-bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" I yelled at released the purified akuma. As soon as I said the last few words everything went back to normal. After helping the akuma victim, I looked around and saw Chat facing the other way. Now was my chance.

"Chat, umm can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Sure Ladybug. What do you need?"

I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He stood frozen, but slowly returned the hug. "Oh Chat I'm so so sorry! I was so mean and rude to you I wasn't thinking! I hope you can forgive me I was such a jerk."

"It's okay LB, but really, I don't have time to talk. I got to go." Chat said flatly and started walking away.

"Chat..." I said as tears started forming in my eyes. I didn't want him to be mad at me, I really care about him.

"I'll see you next time, m'lady." Chat said ran away. I just stood there, shocked about what he said. I really screwed up this time.


I decided to take a walk around the park since I was tired from the attack. After a while I got bored, and sat down on one of the benches taking in the morning view of Paris.

"Is this spot taken?" Someone asked. I looked next to me and saw Adrien Agreste. Yeah that's right, freaking Adrien Agreste was asking if he could sit next to me.

"Wha- no of course not! Go right ahead!" I said with a smile and blushed. He returned the smile and sat next to me. "What's up?" He asked and turned to look at me.

"N-nothing r-really, just bored out of my mind and decided to go to the park." I said.

He nodded. "Yeah, I guess I just needed to get out of the house for a little."

We sat there and talked for a while, about expectations for the new school year, my designs, and what we planned to do over the summer. It was nice, and on the plus side I barely stuttered over my words. I guess I've worked up some confidence around him.

"This has been a lot of fun Marinette, maybe we could do this again sometime."

"Yeah, it was really nice talking to you Adrien." I said and we both smiled.

"Bye Marinette! I'll see you again!"

"Bye Adrien!"

And with that, we both parted our separate ways. When I entered my bedroom I pulled out Tikki and we fangirled about how I just talked to ADRIEN AGRESTE AND BARELY STUTTERED! I ACTUALLY HAD A REAL CONVERSATION WITH HIM!

Chat Noir's POV

After talking to Marinette as Adrien, I walked around and thought for a bit. Marinette acted so adorable when I talked to her... Did I just call Marinette adorable? Well she kinda is, she's also funny, kind, caring, sweet, and creative. Why am I talking about Marinette like this? Have I completely lost my feelings for Ladybug? I immediately cleared my mind. Whatever. Just... Just forget about it.

But I couldn't.

I decided to go to Marinette's house, just because... You know... What am I saying, I just simply wanted to see her again, and tell her what happened with Ladybug. I ran away from the park and landed on her balcony with a thump.

"Oh Chat Noir, what a nice surprise!" Marinette said and opened the trapdoor. "Come inside!"

I jumped through the door and onto her bed. She came next to me and folded her hands. "So what's up."

"Marinette it was a catastrophe! Ladybug apologized to me and you know what I did? I just left her! She probably hates me now. I know it." I said sadly. Marinette put a hand on my back and tried to comfort me.

"Chat it'll be okay, just give it some time and everything will work out. I'm sure she understands and isn't mad at you, trust me." Marinette said.

I looked at her and thought about what she said. "Yeah. I just need to give it some time."

Marinette's POV

Before I could respond, Chat quickly kissed me on the cheek then ran out onto my balcony and jumped away. I walked up out of my room and watched him jump away into the distance, my hand gently touching the spot where he kissed me. "What was that all about?" I asked myself.

"And what did he mean by 'I just need to give it some time'? What is that silly cat going to do?"

I didn't bother thinking about it more, instead I went back inside to work on my designs and of course, fangirl about Adrien.

I really wish I did think about it more, maybe I could have stopped Chat from doing the crazy thing he was about to do.


Hello! I'm am so sorry for not updating sooner, I had writers block and couldn't come up with what to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, what will happen to Chat Noir? Also some Adrienette will come up soon because why not. Have a good day/night!

Love you guys 💕

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