Chapter 5

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Marinette's POV

I haven't seen Chat Noir in seven days. Seven days. I haven't seen him at at. He didn't show up to patrol, and he hasn't come to visit me. I mean, sure I care about him, but it shouldn't make me sad when he doesn't visit. Right? I just enjoy his company, that's all. He's my friend. Okay well... Maybe I like him as a little more. I don't know. Whatever, let's get back on track. I have no idea where he is, and I started to get worried. I waited outside on my balcony for him for the past week, but it was no use. I decided to go back inside and tried to contact him. He had given me his number, but I already knew what it was because I call him as Ladybug whenever there's trouble. I tried calling him a dozen times but nothing happened. I was starting to worry, where could he be? Could it be something to do with what he said to me last time? I started pacing around my pink room, scared about what might have happened to that silly cat. I decided to get some fresh air and walk around a bit. It was currently six o'clock pm, the café down the street was still open. I grabbed my purse with Tikki in it and walked out of my house.

I continued walking down the sidewalk until I reached the café. I walked in and ordered a raspberry tart. When it was ready I sat down at a two person table and stared at my tart, still wondering where Chat is.

"One croissant please. Thank you." I heard a familiar voice say. Before I could look up someone sat in the chair in front of me. "Mind if I sit here?"

I stopped intensely staring at my delicious food and looked up. Adrien Agreste. One of the most attractive people in Paris. The person I have a huge crush on. The boy where I can barely say one sentence without stuttering in front of. Of course. Who else would it be.

"Y-yeah sure o-of course." I said and took a bite out of my tart.

"What's up?"

"Oh nothing really, just working in the bakery, filling in for my parents and just being bored." I was going to say, "hanging out with Chat Noir," but it would be a little weird telling someone you're hanging out with one of Paris's superheroes.

"That's nice, I've just been stuck in my house all day. It feels good to get out once in a while, you know?"

I nodded my head in agreement. We talked for about fifteen minutes, and I messily ate my raspberry tart.

"Oh, you've got something on your face." Adrien said and smiled. Before I could wipe it off, he reached over and cleaned my cheek with his thumb. Then he did something I didn't expect. He licked the raspberry tart - that was on my face - off his thumb.

"Wow, that's really good!" Adrien exclaimed. I sat there in silence ((somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence... Okay I'll go now)), shocked at his actions.

"Sorry, that was a little weird." He said with an embarrassed smile and rubbed the back of his neck. "W-wha- n-no it-it's fine umm I'm just a m-messy uh eater..."

All of a sudden, Chloé walked into the café and threw he arms around Adrien's neck. "Adrikins! What are you doing here with... Her? Wouldn't you rather be spending the summer with me than this worthless piece of trash?"

Adrien immediately pried Chloé's arms off of him and put on a mean face. "Excuse you Chloé but Marinette is not worthless, or trash. I actually enjoy her company unlike when I'm with you."

Chloé was absolutely shocked by his statement, and stormed out of the café. "Sorry about Chloé, I hope she didn't bother you too much."

"N-no it's okay, I didn't really care." I said and smiled at Adrien.

"Well Marinette, this has been fun, hopefully we can do this again sometime. See ya." He said and started walking away.

"Y-yeah, see ya." I said and waved as he walked away. Once I finally finished eating, I went to the park and tried to call Chat. No response. A million thoughts raced through my head. Where is he? Why isn't he responding? Is he in trouble? Is he hurt? Why hasn't he been showing up to patrols? Is he sick of me? Am I annoying him?

I decided to go around as Ladybug see if he showed up. I hid behind a tree and said some of my favorite words, "Tikki, spots on!"


I jumped from roof to roof, looking around for a certain alley cat. No luck. It was already eight o'clock pm, and I was sat on top of the Eiffel Tower. I looked out at the city, lights shining brightly against the dark sky. I looked up and saw the stars shimmering, there were barely any clouds tonight. It was perfect. But my mind was focused on thing: Chat Noir. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Did I do something as Marinette to cause him to run away? And where did he go? But the most important question I had was: why did I care so much? I came to a conclusion, maybe I liked him... Just a little bit? It felt weird, and I wasn't really sure.

I decided to go back home, I had been out for too long. I jumped onto my balcony and detransformed. "What do you think happened to him Tikki?"

"Don't worry about it Marinette, I'm sure it has nothing to do with you. He probably had some personal problems that he needs to sort out." Tikki said.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks Tikki." I said as she flew inside. As I stood there in the dim light looking at the stars, I quietly spoke so no one else would hear.

"Chat Noir, wherever you are, I hope you're safe. Please come back soon, I'm scared Chat. I'm scared for you, because I care. I care about you."


Yay new chapter! Sorry for not updating sooner I haven't had that much time to write. Also sorry if it sounds really bad and there are a lot of mistakes, its currently 12:30 am but I really needed to post a new chapter. Enjoy!

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