Chapter 10

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Trigger Warning: cutting, suicidal thoughts, if you are not comfortable with this just tell me, and I'll summarize the chapter for you ☺️


Marinette danced around her room listening to her favorite song, Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots.

"She's the tear in my heart
I'm alive
She's the tear in my heart
I'm on fire
She's the tear in my heart
Take me higher
Than I've ever been!"

Marinette sang loudly and continued dancing. The music was blaring and she could barely hear her own voice.

"Marinette! MARINETTE!" Tikki yelled as she covered her ears. (Does she have ears?) "Please turn the music down! It's going to give me a headache."

"Sorry Tikki. I'm just so excited!" Marinette said and turned down the music.

"What are you so excited about?"

"I have a date with Chat! After we defeated the last akuma, he told me we're going on a date near the Eiffel Tower! He's coming to pick me up in two hours. Shoot! What should I wear? Oh Tikki, please help me!"

As Marinette rummaged through her closet to try to find the perfect outfit, Tikki hovered above her. "Not to worry Marinette, I have the perfect thing for you!"


An hour later Marinette was ready. She was wearing a light pink dress that ended right before her knees. She slipped on dark blue flats the matched her hair, and had a silver bag for Tikki. Marinette let her hair down and it cascaded over her shoulders in perfect blue curls. The look was simple, but cute.

Since she still had an hour left until Chat would pick her up, she sang to her favorite songs on repeat. She was in the middle of singing Paparazzi by Lady Gaga until she heard a tap on her window.

Marinette turned off the music and went over to open her window.

"Why thank you princess. I heard you singing, you have an amazing  voice. You-" Chat forgot what he was going to say as he saw Marinette. "Princess... You look beautiful."

Marinette felt her face heat up and turn red. "Th-Thank you. Ready to go?"

Chat picked up Marinette bridal style and carried her out the window. The wind was very strong, so Marinette buried her face into Chat's chest. He looked at her and smiled, holding her closer.

Finally they arrived at a small gate being overgrown with vines. Chat opened the gate and led Marinette down a narrow stone path. Once they reached the end Marinette gasped. It was a garden surrounded by big stone walls. In the middle there a small table with two chairs on either side. The garden had a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, which was glowing in the dark night sky.

"Chat, what is this?" Marinette asked, still taking in her surrounding. "I used to come here with my mother when I was little and I thought you'd like it."

Chat went over to the table and pulled out a chair for Marinette. When she sat down she saw the food on her plate. "Spaghetti?"

"You made it for me once, so know it's my turn." He said and started eating. Once they were done, they moved their chairs closer together and watched the Eiffel Tower. 

"Princess... I have something to tell you." Chat said and looked at her, twiddling his fingers.

"You can tell me anything. What is-" Marinette's words were cut off with a kiss. It was soft, yet felt passionate.  Neither of them wanted to pull back, and they didn't. Well, that is until someone interrupted them. Chloé.

"EWW!" She screams loudly and pretends to gag. The two quickly broke apart and were raging that the spoiler rich brat had ruined their moment.

"Chloé?! What are you even doing here!" Chat yelled at the blonde. "Well, I was just walking around when I heard familiar voices. So I came in here and found you and MariTrash-"

"Do NOT call her that!" Chat snapped and stood up.

"Why not, huh? That's what she is! She's ugly, stupid, worthless, untalented, self-centered, annoying, a know-it-all, and just an overall bitch! She doesn't deserve anything, and should just go die!" 

"If anyone's a bitch it's you Chloé!" Chat yelled. He was about to insult her, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked down to see Marinette with tears in her eyes, staring into space.

"No Chat," Marinette said so quietly he almost missed it. "She's right."

Before Chat said time to respond, Marinette took off, out of the garden and down the street.

"Mari wait!" He screamed and ran into the street, but Marinette was nowhere to be found.


Marinette ran home and info her room, immediately locking her door and all her windows. In all the rush, she forgot to lock the trapdoor above her bed. She sat down and floor and sobbed into her hands.

All those things Chloé said are true. I don't deserve anything, including Chat. Everyone thinks I'm just an ugly, annoying girl. Maybe Chloé was right. Maybe I should just die. It'll make everyone happier, they won't have to deal with me anymore. At that moment Marinette had made up her mind.

She ran into the bathroom, grabbed a razor, and sat down on her chaise.

trigger warning; please do not read this if you're not comfortable with it

Marinette looked down at her wrist. She made one cut for everything hurtful word Chloé said.

Ugly, stupid, worthless, untalented, self-centered, annoying, know-it-all, bitch.

She watched the blood trail down her arm, and flinched when a tear hit a cut. I deserve this.

When Marinette stopped, she sat the razor next her and broke into complete sobs. Words hurt, and Marinette was completely broken.

She heard footsteps on her balcony and quickly kicked the razor under her chaise, then covered her arms with a blanket since she was wearing a sleeveless dress.

"Princess? Are you okay?" She heard  the worry in Chat's voice but ignored him. She was just another problem in his life.

"Please go away." She choked out.

"No Princess, I just want to help-"

"I SAID GO AWAY!" She screamed, pushed him out the trapdoor and slammed it shut. She couldn't deal with this. She went back to her chaise and mumbled all her flaws to herself until a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Hello, I am Hawkmoth."


Hey everyone! I'm sorry for not updating sooner, I had writers block. Also, thank you so much for 5k reads! I never thought my book would get this far. I love you so much!!

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