Chapter 9

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Marinette groaned as she pulled her eyes away from the tv. "Tikki... Spots on." She said lazily and jumped out her window.

Usually, Marinette would love becoming Ladybug, being free and able to do whatever she wants. But now, it's just a painful reminder that Chat Noir was still mad at her.

Now is my chance, Marinette thought, to make things right with Chat.

But what if she said the wrong thing, and Chat hated her even more? What if he never forgave her, and eventually completely forgot about her? All of these possibilities raced through Marinette's mind, but she was still determined to make things better with Chat.

Ladybug landed right besides him, but he ignored her yet again. She sighed, then took a look at the akuma. It was a teenage girl, about fourteen or fifteen years old with short hair. She was wearing black sneakers, khaki shorts, and she had a red shirt underneath her open navy blue vest. On top of her head, she was wearing a blue and white hat with a blue pine tree on the front.

"I've seen that before, but where? Oh, I know! She's dressed like the character Dipper from Gravity Falls! The akuma must be in her hat!" Ladybug said but only received a small nod from Chat.

"I am The Faller! My favorite show has ended, but none of my friends or family feel my pain! They told me to be quiet and wouldn't let me express my feelings! It's unfair!" The akuma screamed and would zap two people at a time. One person would fall into a trance and express their true feelings towards the other person. The other person was forced to listen no matter how bad it was. When it was done, it would either ruin people's relationships, or being them closer together. Ladybug decided that they had to beat the akuma, even though it was doing good for some people.

"Okay Chat, so my plan is..." Ladybug stopped taking when she realized that Chat was slowly waking away from her. "Chat! What do you think you're doing? You might be mad at me but we're still a team, and we need to protect Paris togeth-"

Her words were cut off when The Faller blasted Ladybug and Chat Noir with two beams from her hat. Chat suddenly started walking forward towards Ladybug. "What's going on?" Chat asked and tried to move but nothing worked.

"Now you'll know her true feelings!" The Faller yelled and ran away to zap more citizens.

"Great. Now I can have my heart crushed into smaller pieces. Fun." Chat said sarcastically to himself. Chat stopped a few feet away from Ladybug. He looked closely at her and realized her eyes were completely black because of the trance. She opened her mouth a little, and that's when all the feelings she had came out.

"Chat Noir..." She said, and stared at nothing in particular. "I'M SORRY!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, which caused Chat to jump back.

"I never meant to hurt you! When I first rejected you, I thought I loved someone else. But that was because I didn't know the real you. I started talking to you as Marinette and I fell in love! I know you never want to talk to me again but please, please, forgive me. I can't live with myself if you don't. I'm sorry Chat, I'm so sorry..." After she said the last few words her eyes went back to normal and Chat could control his actions. Chat looked up at Ladybug's face, but she just stared at the ground.

If The Faller made her say her true emotions... That means what she said was true? She actually... Loves me? Chat thought which changed his perspective on everything. Chat thought she didn't care about him... But he was wrong. A pang of guilt shot through his body once he realized her broken state. He had been rude and ignored her as both Adrien and Chat.

Chat ran up to Ladybug and gave her a bone crushing hug. "Chat? Wha-What are you doing?" She said quietly.

"I forgive you."

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