Chapter 1

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                             has a lot of differents meanings, and it also depends on each person how they would define it.
When Jungkook's teacher showed up at his class giving them the task to define love according to themselves; he was lost. He could define love by drawing, or he could just write poem. The problem was that he didn't know what love was. Was it related with what people called 'butterflies inside your tummy'? If that were the case, he was sure he had never felt that before. Was it the way your parents protect and support you no matter what? Then again, he had no idea what love was.
After the bell rang, signaling the end of his school day, he wasn't that excited to leave. He wasn't the type of guy who would prefer staying in, studying, than going out, but he just didn't want to fuck up again. Even though his parents didn't keep in touch with him that much, if he messed up at school, he'd be screwed. So he just went for a walk at the park.
The sunset somehow inspired him; when he was a child, he'd always spend his time watching it with one of his friends, but that's another story.
He took out his art book and headed off to a certain tree. But he couldn't reach the tree because something hit him hard on his head. After that, he fell and heard some kid's laugh. More than embarrassed, he felt grumpy.
-I'm sorry, sometimes the kids can be really strong when it comes to kicking things and stuff.- A stranger said to Jungkook, while with his left hand he picked up the ball and offered his free hand to him.
The sun was somehow hitting his face, so he wasn't able to see until said stranger pulled him up and faced him.
- Are you okay?- The stranger asked Jungkook.
- Uhh..yeah. I-I'm okay.- He hated when he stuttered, but he felt really intimidated by that mysterious person standing a few inches away in front of him. It was a guy a little bit taller than him, or maybe just as tall as him, with brown chocolate hair and dark brown eyes with long lashes. His lips were pink and his nose had a little mole, which Jungkook found cute. The boy looked adorable, but what called the most his attention, was the boy's smile, which showed all of his teeth.
- Okay then.- the boy smiled- sorry once again.
And with that...he left.
It wasn't a surprise for Jungkook the fact that he found the boy attractive, not just because the boy was good-looking, but also because he'd already come to terms with his self and his sexuality. He even came out to his parents, and that's the main reason of their distance.
Jungkook still remembers that day. He had spent the whole day at his friend Jin's house. He was Jungkook's only friend, since he didn't trust people because of past experiences .
Once Jungkook decided on how he would come out to his parents, he left Jin's house with a heavy heart.
- I'm home!- Jungkook announced as he always did, to let his parents know he already came.
- Oh, sweety, I'm glad you're here. Your dad and I were about to leave, did you have fun with Jin?- Jungkook's mom said, while putting on a jacket and grabbing her purse.
- Yeah, I guess. Do you really have to leave now? There's something I'd like to tell both of you.- Jungkook finally said.
- What is it?- Asked his father while he entered the room.
- This...this's something I've been keeping with my self, something I guess has always been with me.- He said that while playing with his hands.
- Darling, you're scaring me. What is it?- His mother asked with a concerned tone.
- I...I'm gay. I realized a long time ago that I don't feel towards girls the same way I feel towards guys, and I'm pretty sure it has always been like that.- And with that, all of Jungkook's courage left his body.
His parents just stared at him, and then they exchanged looks. After that Mrs Jeon (Jungkook's mother), looked at him with pity.
- Get out.- Mr Jeon said.
- What do you mean?- His innocent son didn't understand his father's word.
- Leave the house right now, pack up your things or whatever, but just leave and never come back. - Those were the coldest words Jungkook ever received from his father. He started to tear up, he was about to cry when his father pushed him to the ground.
- Are you deaf besides being gay? Get the fuck out of here, I don't want a son with such a disease as homosexuality. Get out of here! Now! -Mr Jeon was shouting at Jungkook, who was lying on the ground trembling.
His blurry vision didn't let him see his father's fist coming at him until it was too late.
With a broken heart, body and soul, Jungkook saw what he used to call his home for the last time.

The most beautiful moment in life ( Part 1- Love)Where stories live. Discover now