Chapter 7.

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Jungkook stopped breathing.
Taehyung's hands around his waist felt really warm. He could almost feel the older boy's touch burning on his skin.
But he definitely could feel Taehyung's gaze burning him. The way he was looking at him made Jungkook feel dizzy. His stare was strong, and he could see some kind of shine on them.

-I-I..I don't know...- Jungkook didn't really know what to say, and the position they were in, wasn't helping at all.

- But do you want to find out?- Taehyung asked and licked his lips. He was getting closer to Jungkook when suddenly...

- Tae oppa!- A little girl screamed while running towards them. Because of her uniform, you could tell she went to a kindergarten, so she might have been around 4 or 5 years old.

- JuHyun!- Taehyung shouted back, while picking up the girl and spinning her around.- What are you doing here? Are you alone?- He asked worried, while putting her down.

- No, she's not. I'm her sister Irene, by the way. - A brunette girl appeared out of the nothing and introduced herself. She seemed out of  breath, and it might have been because of following her sister.- I'm sorry for her behaviour. - She said while offering her hand to Taehyung.

- Oh, don't worry. JuHyun and I've known each other for a long time, I know how impulsive she is.- Taehyung said while accepting her hand.

Jungkook at first felt a little thankful for the sudden interrumption, but when the other girl came, he didn't feel thankful at all anymore.

But just when he was thinking about one and a million ways of getting out of there without being noticed...

- Who is this cute guy you're with, Tae oppa?- JuHyun asked while pointing at him.

- He's Jungkook, he is...a really close friend of mine. He's helping us with the orphanage, too. - Tae said while bringing Jungkook closer, holding him by his waist.

- He is really cute. - JuHyung commented while giggling and hiding behind her sister.

- I also think you're really cute. -Jungkook said while getting down to her level, only to pinch one of her cheeks.

- Thank you- She answered shyly and then looked away.- Oh! Irene, look, it's Eunji!- And the little girl started to run again towards another girl.

- She's always like this, sorry. - Irene apologized once again for her sister's behaviour.- We were on our way to the park when she saw you, and I couldn't hold her down. At first I didn't understand why she was so excited to greet a random guy, but when she explained who you were, I finally understood. 

Jungkook then realized that he was the only one who didn't understand.

- Well, she was one of my favourite kids at the orphanage. It was really hard to let her go when your family adopted her, but I'm glad you did.- Taehyung said with a nostalgic tone.

- And I'm glad too, she's an amazing kid. And I have to blame that on you, since you were the one who took care of her since she was a little baby.- Irene said while reaching for both of Taehyung's hands. - I would like to show you how thankful we are so...we could go to a cafe to talk or you can come to our house to have dinner whenever you want.- She said, offering a friendly smile. 

But in Jungkook's eyes, that smile was anything but friendly. And the jealousy started kicking in again.

- Oh, uh, well...- Taehyung was lost for words, and he was afraid of how Jungkook might react to his answer.

- Of course that we'd love to spend more time with her!- Jungkook butted in. - Right, Taehyungie?- He asked to the boy beside him, and then kissed his cheek.

Taehyung was shocked, and Irene was speechless.

- Well, yes, of course you guys can, but I'd love to meet the guy who took care of my sister back then. - She said while holding Taehyung's hand.

And that's when Jungkook lost it.

-Oh, so you want to have a date with him, right?- Jungkook asked while getting closer to her.

- Well, yes. I mean, don't you want your friend to meet other people?- She asked, challenging Jungkook by getting closer to him.

-You're right...-Jungkook admited. He was nothing but a friend to Taehyung.- Why don't you two have your date now? I don't want to ruin the moment anymore for you two.- He said with a sarcastic tone.- Bye, friend.- The younger boy said while looking to Taehyung, and if looks could kill, Taehyung would be dead by now.

And with that, he left the park. Leaving behind him a confused Taehyung and a rather happy Irene.

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