Chapter 2

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The sun had risen. It was the beginning of a new day. Jungkook was struggling with waking up, when his phone started buzzing. It was a call, but he definitely was not in the mood to answer. He hung up and kept on sleeping.
His phone started buzzing again and he thought that it was some kind of conspiracy of the world against his beauty sleep. But finally, he answered.
- Hello? - With a groggy voice and a sleepy head, Jungkook said.
-Jungkookie? - The voice felt familiar, but somehow distant. What felt even weirder to Jungkook was the fact that, a stranger who had his number, called him "Jungkookie", which nobody did.
- Uh...yeah, who is it? - Confusion and curiosity were words that would describe Jungkook perfectly at this moment.
- You little bastard! You already forgot about me? - The other person, a little offended, Jungkook thought, said. - How can you forget about your mom, huh? Aish, this little brat.- Yeah, it had been a long time since he had talked with his mother, almost two years, but he still remembered that her voice didn't sound like a man's.
That was when everything made a click. It was Kim Seokjin, his one and only friend. But that wasn't the only role he occupied in Jungkook's life. He had been, like he said, somewhat like a mother to teenager Kookie. He was like an entire family to him.
- Ommo! Hyung! I'm sorry - Jungkook apologized- It's just it has been a long time since we last talked, how are you? How's the restaurant thing going? - Jin was older than Jungkook, so he'd already finished his studies and was working as a chef on his family's restaurant out of the town.
- Great, why don't you get your lazy ass out of your bed and open your door so we can talk more comfortably? - Jungkook didn't understand at first Jin's words, until he heard a loud knock on the door.
He almosted tripped three times while going downstairs to answer the door.
He didn't realize he had already reached the door and opened it, he could only feel a smile on his face and a pair of arms around him.
It had been two hours since Jin arrived, and they were still talking about their lives away from each other.
- So, have you met with Namjoon yet? - Jungkook asked Jin about his old love Kim Namjoon. He and Jin used to date until Jin left.
- When I left, we agreed to stay together. So I guess we're still dating, although it's been almost a year since the last time I saw him. - Jin said with a sigh.- I haven't found enough courage to talk to him yet.
- Call him.- Jungkook said- Maybe you're too afraid to see him, but what about just...talking?- He knew that Jin was dying to see his boyfriend, and he thought that his suggestion could help his friend.
After 10 minutes of arguing, Jungkook won his battle against Jin and now they were trying to call Namjoon.
The phone rang three times, and they finally heard a voice on the other line.
-"Hello?"- A sleepy voice said. But no matter how that voice sounded, Jin would always recognize it.
- Hi Namjoon, it's been a long time since we last talked, hasn't it? - Jin said, and after that, Jungkook left to give his friend some privacy.
He went to the kitchen to cook something for them, since he hadn't had breakfast yet.
When he was done and started serving, his friend appeared with a smile on his face.
- Namjoon wants to meet me at the park, he's there with a few friends helping one of them with some kind of charity event. - Jin said with a bright face.
- That's great! Let's eat together so you can go see him. - Jungkook said smiling while sitting down to eat.
- So 'I' can go? Excuse me dear, but you're coming with me. - Jin said, while pointing at him with a fork.
Jungkook's smile dropped. He didn't like being surrounded by people he didn't even know. But he knew how much this meant to Jin, so he agreed to go.
The sun was shinning bright, it was a sunny beautiful day, Jungkook's favourite kind of day. But he didn't look as bright as the day and Jin did. He still was very nervous about meeting Jin's boyfriend and their friends.

-Jungkook's POV-
Would it be too mean if all of the sudden I started to run away? Because that's what I would do in this kind of situation. can't be that bad, right?.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize there was a group of boys of almost our age, running violently towards us with a small group of kids. It was too late. I shut my eyes and felt my body being knocked over.
All I could hear were laughs and apologies.
- Yah! Since when have you been so clumsy?!- I heard Jin scream while laughing.
- We haven't seen each other for almost a year and that's the first thing you're going to tell me?- Namjoon said, or at least I guess he did. I haven't opened my eyes yet and I could still feel pressure on my body.
- Ommo! You all are going to kill my poor baby, get off of him now Taehyung!- Once again my mom -I mean, Jin- said.
I felt the person over me getting up while laughing. When I opened my eyes, I wished he had never gotten up...

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