Chapter 5

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Justin's p.o.v.

After the announcement of Kayla staying we all stood around deciding what to do. We needed to go shopping for groceries and now we got to get stuff for Alayna and we gotta pick Kayla's stuff up too.

"We can't take the baby with, we don't have a car seat so all I am saying is stay here for like twenty minutes with her while we run down and get one. We won't take long." I said to Damon.

He shook his head and stared at the baby laying in the box on the ground. She was still sleeping and hasn't woken up yet. He was scared she would wake up and he wouldn't know what to do.

"Fine I will stay but there and back no other stops." he agreed.

I nodded and we all walked out the door. We got in the suburban and Danny pulled up the closest Baby store. He found one a few blocks away.

Once we got to the store we all hurried in and stood there lost. An employee came up to us with a big grin. She was young probably in her teens and worse the blue shirt and khakis that everyone else wore. She had a red name tag on that read Jane.

"Hi welcome to Gloria's Baby Palace, I'm Jane can I help you find anything?" she said, cheerily.

"Yeah we are looking for baby car seats." Kayla said.

"Oh, of course those are important to have. Alright this way."

We followed her to the car seat section and she showed us a few and talked about the features of them. We picked one out and grabbed the box.

"Can I help you with anything else?" Jane said.

"Not a the moment but we will be back in a bit."

She gave us a weird look and moved along to do her thing. We took the box to the register and then left.

"Where is all this money coming from boys? You seem to be pulling it out of your ass now." Kayla asked.

"Since our YouTube fame spiked YouTube started paying us to make videos and then we get different sponsor jobs too where we advertise a product in our videos and we get paid for it."

"How much do you get paid for a video?"

"It is a difficult process. For an advertised video we pay around 100 bucks for every 1,000 view. We make 68% of the ads revenue from the YouTube company. Now it is only considered a 'paid view' if the viewer watches 30 seconds or more. So it all breaks down and we get from YouTube .18 cents for every view, but if a viewer doesn't watch the full ad we don't get paid for their view. It is all very complicated." I tried explaining to her.

She nodded probably only understanding half of it and looked out the window. We arrived back home and brought the car seats in. Damon looked relieved to see us. The baby was peacefully asleep in the box. Guaranteed she didn't make a peep.

I set the box on the ground and started opening it. I got my box cutter knife off the coffee table and opened the box. The car seat was thankfully put together already all we had to do was put the covers on them. Once we got the seat assembled Kayla took the base out to the Burban to hook in.

I picked Alayna up from her box and she started squealing. I shushed her and laid her in the car seat. I stared at the car seat buckles. These things looked confusing. Damon grabbed the instructions and tried to find the section on how to buckle it. He couldn't find it and eventually Kayla came in.

"Kayla do you know how to do these?" I asked her.

She bent down by me and demonstrated how to buckle the car seat. Kayla picked up Alayna and we went outside. It was fairly warm out but I grabbed the blanket anyway. Kayla put Alayna in then everyone piled in. I covered the baby up so she wouldn't get cold and then we set off.

Shopping spree!


It's short but I have another one coming. Enjoy! :)

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