Chapter 6

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Justin's P.O.V

I dropped the last of the bags on the floor in the living room and flopped down on the couch and sighed. Not even 8 hours into having the baby and I was already exhausted. We spent close to three hours in the baby store getting stuff and spent enough money to buy a new car in there.

We got most of what we needed in there and put the rest on a registry. Kayla insisted that we make one since she plans to throw us a baby shower to celebrate the new addition. 'A baby shower is a great time for everyone to see the baby at once so you aren't having to deal with visitors coming and going, plus you get all the stuff that you didn't want to buy.'

We basically bought the essentials that we would need and left the things like toys and other stupid crap for people to buy. She also said the registry didn't need to be huge since people were just going to buy what they wanted anyways.

Damon and Danny were hauling the bigger items upstairs while Dani sat in the living room with the baby, dumping bags on the ground and sorting through what needed to be taken upstairs and what could be left down here. I carried all the bags inside.

I sat down with Kayla and decided to start putting the bigger items together. I grabbed a swing box and opened it up. I pulled the instructions out and looked over them and began to build. It didn't look too difficult.

Alayna was asleep in her car seat and had slept through all the shopping and car rides. She'd probably wake up any minute now.

Damon came downstairs and sat down on the couch. Him and Danny just took the crib upstairs.

"Those things are heavy." He sighed.

Kayla folded a little pink blanket and set it next to me and dumped another bag out.

"Here before you go into pass out mode carry those bags upstairs and just leave them. We will migrate upstairs here in a bit to put them away." Kayla instructed.

We hadn't even gotten to grocery shopping or Kayla's house to get her stuff. We spent so long at the baby store that we came back because we were so tired.

I struggled getting part of the swing put together and grunted in frustration. Damon looked over the instructions and helped me out and then grabbed the bags to take upstairs. I finished the rest of the swing pretty easily and sighed in relief.

I put batteries in the swing and Alayna started whining. Kayla looked at me and I sighed and pulled her seat to me. I started making shushing sounds while unbuckling the clips. I picked her up gently from the seat and smelled the most horrible smell ever.

"Oh my god, Kayla this is for you." I said gagging a bit.

"Uh no, just because I offered to stick around and help doesn't mean I am going to do it all. You can learn to do some stuff yourself." She said.

I groaned and she handed me a blanket, diaper box, wipes and powder. I laid the blanket out and set Alayna down on it. She squirmed and whined and I opened the box of diapers.

I laid my equipment out and pulled the tabs off her diaper. I leaned away as I pulled the diaper off and gagged when I saw the disgusting treasure inside.

Kayla giggled at my face and I flipped her off. I grabbed a wipe and began the process of cleaning her little butt off. It wasn't so bad after the first wipe and I finished the process of cleaning her off.

"What do I do with the diaper, do I just leave it like this and throw it away?" I asked Kayla.

"No. Roll it and pull the tabs over the diaper to secure it." she said.

I did as she said and the grabbed the new diaper. I unfolded it and lifted Alayna's bottom up and placed it under her. I pulled it up and then secured the tabs and smiled at my accomplishment.

"See you got this, here now try dressing her." Kayla said, throwing some clothes at me.

"Oh please, how hard could dressing a baby be?"

I grabbed the onesie that Kayla threw at me and took the tags off it. I unsnapped the bottom and gently slipped it over her head. I put her arms through the holes and fastened the bottom.

Kayla nodded in approval and handed me a bottle and formula. I made the bottle with no problem and she took her to feed her.

I finished putting the batteries Alayna's swing while she napped in Kayla's arms. When I finished it Kayla put her in it and we went pack to doing what we were doing.


After four hours of sorting, building and putting away the baby's stuff it was only 8. It wasn't too late to go get groceries so we decided we would go and do that.

Kayla was feeding the babe while I went to go put together the diaper bag and get outfits for them. Kayla gave me a list of what we needed and told me to just grab pj's so we didn't have to change her when we got back.

I grabbed the diaper bag in the kitchen and looked at the list. When I was done packing the bag I grabbed a sleeper from a bag on the table and took it into the living room.

I threw the sleeper at Kayla and set the bag on the ground. When Kayla finished dressing Alayna. I carried her out to the car and then went into the garage to find the stroller.

I figured we would take the stroller to save room in the cart and since it technically isn't safe to put the seat on the cart.

Dani came out with the bag and set it on the ground. I loaded the stroller in the back and put the bag in. Danny was staying back to clean up a bit so it was just Kayla, Damon, Layne and I.

I got in the drivers side and buckled up. I pulled out of the drive way and headed to the Hy-Vee down the road.


It has been a looong two weeks since school got out. But I am so happy that I am done, which means that I have more time to write. I hate being so behind in my chapters but what can I do when I am so busy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was kind of boring but soon will jump into some excitement, I see a feud between two coming up here in a few chapters so please keep reading. I also decided that I wasn't going to do twins. It just seemed too extravagant. I also changed the name.

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