Somethings Wrong: Chapter 5

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Kate's POV

I quickly made my way onto the bus, wiping my face. I sat down in the seat with Becca, and she flipped out on me.

"OH MY FREAKING FLIPPITY FLIPPERSON GOD!!" She screamed into my ear.

To which I responded covering my ears.

"HE'S ALIVE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" She yelled once more.

I nodded my head, and she almost jumped out of her seat.


I slowly nodded my head yes.


"I'll tell you later..." I whispered.

She seemed somewhat upset, but then just nodded, and sat back in her seat. Once I stepped foot off that bus, Becca grabbed my arm, and started bolting towards the house. She flung the door open, Didn't even take off her shoes, dragged me up the stairs, Flung open her bedroom door, pulled me inside, slammed the door shut, and threw me onto her bed.

"Spill!" She pointed at me.

"So you know Britney right? Britney Jones..." I started and her eyes widened.

"WHAT DID SHE DO!!!" She yelled throwing her arms up in the air.

"We made some type of trade and-" I was cut off.

"YOU MADE A TRADE WITH BRITNEY JONES??? OH MY GOD!!!!" She yelled, pacing around her room.

"She said she could bring damian back, but...." I started to shrink down wards.


"I can't speak to him ever again...or she'll kill him again.." I covered my face.

Becca sat down on her bed next to me, and pulled me into a tight hug, and started to stroke my hair.

"It's okay..we'll figure this out" her voice sounded soothing.

"No." I said sternly, sitting up."I need to figure this out myself...I got myself into this mess."

"But I can help!" She started.

"No! I can't drag you into this..causing you to get hurt, or even worse!" I yelled.

"But if we do this together!"

"No!" I shout getting up.

I walked over to her door and grabbed the door handle.

"Stay out of this..." a sad smile came across my face. "For your safety.."

I then opened the door and left to go to my room.

Damian's POV

Kyle just left me standing there..speechless. I stood there with a confused expression on my face. Hoping, wanting her to come back. I just turned around and started to walk to the front doors of the school. Many imbeciles questioning me about my sudden appearance, and how they thought I was dead. I just continued to walk over to the jet black limo. I opened the door and threw my bag in before sitting down in the tan leather seats, and slamming the door closed.

"May I ask what is wrong sir?" Alfred looked in the back seat.

"I found Kyle."

"I would Find that as astonishing news sir." Alfred reasoned putting the limo in reverse.

"Yes, but something was wrong." I furrowed my brows.

"What?" Alfred's tone changed.

"I'm not sure yet, but I have a feeling I'll find out really soon."

Sorry for such a short chapter, but I hope you guys like it!!

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