Secret Gets Out: Chaper 9

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Damian's POV

    I walked into the manor and was greeted by Alfred. I greeted him back and trudged up the stairs and into my room after noticing Kyle's door across from mine. A small smile crept upon my face. I slowly opened my bedroom door to be confronted with my room. Organized, not a single thing out of place. I thought back on Kyle's room, messy, clothes everywhere.

    I slowly sat down on my bed and grabbed my laptop off my nightstand. I opened it up, and typed in her so called friends name. Rebecca Miller. I searched through the very delicate files, picking through everything I could. Making sure that this was a suitable place for Kyle to stay. I heard the rattling of my door knob, so I slammed my computer shut, and threw it across my bed, picking up my phone and turning it on. Grayson slowly opened the door.

"Hey little D! What'cha doin?", Grayson asked as a creepy smile came across his face. He walked towards me and looked over my shoulder.

"Nothing!", I uttered slowly falling onto my side.

"Are you searching through sensitive files again?", Asked Grayson slowly reaching for my computer.

"No!, I yelled lightly kicking my computer off my bed.

"Are you sureeeee?", asked Grayson reaching for me.

"Yes I certainly am!", I stated as I scooted away from him.

"NO YOUR NOT!", Grayson screamed and lunged for me. He picked me up by my arms and threw me to the ground. He began to tickle me.

    I admit, I almost, almost laughed. A small smile came to my lips, but I quickly denied it, making my foot come in contact with Grayson's side. Causing him to stumble backwards, holding the side of his stomach.

"Ouch little D! What was that for?", He pouted making a tear gesture with his finger.

"For assaulting me like that! And don't you ever do it again!", I smirked.

A frown came upon his face. He let out a deep sigh.

"Caan you pleasssssssssssssssssse tell me what is going on....PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE!!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

" I might if you be quiet!" I whisper shouted.

A huge smile was now on his face, and he hopped onto my bed, making some type of squealing noise.

"If you keep doing that." I gestured to his current state. "You would just be better off just leaving." I crossed my arms.

"Oh no! I'll shut up now!" He quickly put his hands over his mouth, muffling his words.

I took a deep breath before speaking. "I know where Kyle is"

Grayson let out a small yell, he fell backwards, and kicked his legs around in what I assumed as excitement.

"Grayson, this is completely unnecessary!" I ranted.

    To where he just sat up, with that 'i'm going to do something' look in his eyes. And I know from experience, when he has that look in his eyes, there is no stopping him, and usually bad events followed behind these unnecessary, and or idiotic events.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone!", I stated sternly.

"Promise Little D!", He smiled putting on hand behind his back and one hand out for me to shake. I raised my eyebrow, but took his hand in mine and shook it.

    A huge smile came to his face, he quickly took his hand away, and skipped out of my bedroom. Like I said...When he has that look in his eye...bad events come from it. I didn't exactly fully trust him with this valuable of a secret, but I still don't understand why I was vulnerable, and gave it to him. I Got off my bed and headed towards my bedroom door, and opened it a bit. I saw Grayson jumping up and down in front of Todd. Yelling how I knew the current location of Kyle. I pushed my door open with full force, and glared at both of them.

Grayson just shrugged and said. "I crossed my fingers" Before turning around and running off.

I shot a glance towards Todd, who was just standing there with a smirk on his face. He looked my way and crossed his arms.

"Better make a move soon Dami" He suggested.

    I just scoffed and turned around, taking the few steps it took to get to my room, and shut the door behind me. I leaned up against my door, planning on how I was going to get through to Kyle. 

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