Ready. : Chapter 11

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Kate's POV

    Everything went so fast. I was bored, so I went to eat some ice cream, Damia ends up being there, I somehow end up talking to him, and we kiss!? We were currently heading back to the manor, probably going to finish what has been started. I looked down at my phone to see that the time was already 7:23. I looked around at other things trying to avoid eye contact with Damian.

"I missed you so much." he spoke up, reaching his hand over to mine, and we intertwined our fingers.

"I missed you too..." I looked over to him and smiled.

    We continued to walk through town, getting jealous looks from fangirls, and getting those weird looks from people. But after a while of walking, we finally made it back to the manor. Before we walked through the gates. I stopped and squeezed his hand. I had a somewhat of a worried look on my face.

"Just act natural. By now, everyone's probably down in the Batcave." Damian reassured.

    I just let out a small sigh, and loosened my grip on Damian's hand. We then continued to walk up the familiar concrete steps, and make our way through the double doors. After we stepped foot in there, i quickly looked around, to see, surprisingly, no one. A small smile came to my face, as I kicked off my shoes. Damian did the same, and smirked at me. He pulled me up the carpet covered stairs, and pulled me through various hallways, before we stopped. He looked at my door, then his. He looked back at me as if I preferred one room over the other. I raised an eyebrow then shrugged. He pulled me into his room, still looks the same, not a single thing out of place. Damian let go of my hand and spoke. He walked over to his bed and sat down.

"Shall we continued what we started?" He patted a spot on the bed for me to sit.

"We shall." I smirked, and sat down on the bed next to him.

    We just sat there for a few seconds, staring into eachother's eyes. Like his beautiful blue eyes, piercing into my soul. He then leaned in, his eyes fluttering shut. As did I. I started to slowly lean it, my eyes slowly closing. I moved my arms around my neck, to deepen the kiss, and he moved his arms around me, and pulled me closer to him. This lasted about a minute, before I felt his tongue brush against my lower lip, looking for a entrance. I've never kissed like this before... out of hesitation I slowly parted my lips, granting him entrance. But he didn't hesitate to accept. I felt his tongue explore my mouth, he had a slight taste of mint. I smiled, as if I knew he has planned to do this. As I got more confident, I decided it was now my turn. As my first attempt, Damian tried to block me, which somewhat angered me. I moved my hand over to poke his side making him, shudder, and lose control of blocking me. I explored the various places of his mouth, feeling a somewhat joy tingle it's was through my body.

He slowly pulled away from me, and laid back on his bed. I also did the same, as if I already knew what was going to happen.

"Ready?" He smirked at me.

"Ready." I answered back, also smirking.

~~--Time Skip--~~

Damian's POV

    I awoke abruptly to a ray of sun peaking through my curtains. I inhaled deeply and rubbed my eyes as the events of last night came back to me. I looked to my right to see Kate fast asleep, my bed covers engulfing her body. She was so beautiful, I'm so glad that we are finally together again. I walked over to my dresser to get a fresh pair of boxers. I put them on and walked over to the bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom, drying my wet hands on my boxers. When I shut the door behind me, I heard another door open. I looked over to my bedroom door to see Grayson standing in the doorway, wide eyes, jaw dropped. I felt my face get hot and I tried to conceal it by putting my hands up to my cheeks.

"Little D, you scandal!", he gasped.

"Shut up Grayson, I love her!", i scowled, keeping my face straight.

"You finally made the move! I assumed you'd both be near death before you did it!", he giggled. 

    He turned his gaze back onto Kyle, the covers were slipping and were getting a little too revealing. I ran over to her and pulled them back up as Grayson made kissing noises and googly eyes at me. Good thing Kyle was a deep sleeper. I shooed him out of my room and climbed back into bed with Kate, slipping my boxers off in the process. She inhaled deeply and her eyes fluttered opened. She immediately closed them due to the bright morning light filling the room.

"Good morning beautiful, how do you feel?", I said trying to sound as soothing as possible.

"Sore... how long have you been watching me sleep?", She questioned turning over to look at me, the covers slipping down in the process. I couldn't help but stare.

"It's not nice to stare... ", she smirked.

"Sorry, you're just so beautiful Kathrine.", I smiled.

"You're not too bad yourself.", she giggled pulling the covers down a little more revealing my uncovered torso.

"Do you want to unleash the beast?", I smirked at her. She tested me further by pulling them down even more to reveal my v-line and her muscular stomach.

"Hmmmm... I wonder what's going to happen next!", I heard a faint voice from beneath my bed. I climbed over Kate and peered over the side of the bed.

Tim was underneath my bed with a bowl of popcorn and a smirk plastered on his face. I stayed there in shock as I felt Kate's hand graze my uncovered upper thigh. This snapped me out of my shock.

"AHHHH!" I yelped jumping back onto the bed, concealing myself in the bed covers as well as Kate. Tim jumped up from underneath the bed and stared at us.

"AHH!", Kate squealed pulling the covers up over her head.

"How long have you been under there?", she asked as the covers muffled her voice.

"3 hours!", he stated confidently. I glanced over at the clock, 8:00. He had been under my bed since 5 in the morning. Oh No....

"OUT!", I screamed making him jump and scurry out of my room, spilling his popcorn in the process.

I looked down at where Kate was concealed and pulled the covers off her head.

"It's ok babe, he's gone.", I talked slowly.

"Well, then, where were we?", she gave me a smirk and started to pull the covers down, when my door opened once more.

Jason appeared in my doorway with a white box in his hand.

"I hope I'm not too late!", he shouted throwing the box at me. I caught it and read the label. Trojan.

"Sorry dude, you're way past the deadline. Besides, I have a box of my own!", I smirked pulling an identical looking box out of my dresser. The only difference was that it was opened and one packet was missing.

"Ewwww! Grossss!", he made a disgusted face.

"Oh shut up! Don't act like you haven't done it before!", Kate rebelled. He made a mad face at her and stormed out.

"Great, now the whole manor knows!", I sighed.

"Don't let them get to you babe.", she said reaching her hand deep into the covers. A feeling of love and hormones spread throughout my body.

    I pulled her closer, making our lips connect. Again, the hormones took over and I couldn't control my actions. My hands grazed her lower back and hers were around my neck. I moved my hands down further.

AHHHHHHHHHH THIS CHAPTER!!! THE FEELS!! i CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHH HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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