Chat : Chapter 7

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Kate's POV

    I turned the handle to the house, and slowly shuffled inside. The warmth of the thermostat instantly heated my body. I sat down roughly on the floor and yanked off my boots. Ignoring the ice cream out on the counter and the TV blaring, I trudged into my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I flopped onto my bed and closed my eyes. Tears immediately poured out and onto my bed spread, creating a pool of wet cloth. I cried softly into the open air, thinking about talking to Damian, and if I had actually said something back there.

Although I thought I was crying too softly for anyone to hear, Becca barged into my room holding a bowl filled with chocolate ice cream. In her other hand was a spoon and the tv remote.

"I heard crying. Was crying taking place in this household? And tell the truth.", Becca spoke sternly, pointing the spoon at me.

"Maybe no, maybe so.", My voice cracked as I sat up, wiping stray tears from my cheeks.

"From the looks of your puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, I'm going to go with, 'maybe so'.", she replied putting on a sad smile.

I remained seated on my bed, looking down at my feet, trying to hide the fact that I had been crying about Damian.

"Do you maybe want to tell me?", She tried to persuade.

"No thanks", My voice cracked. A stray tear made its way down my face as I quickly wiped it away.

"You can tell me anything, you know that right?", She asked concerned.

"I know.", I say getting off my bed and opening my arms. 

    She gladly obliged and walked straight into them, wrapping her arms around me. I needed a hug, even though it wasn't from Damian. She let go of me and I sat back in my bed. She walked towards the door.

"Let me know if you change your mind.", she smiled and shut the door softly. I flopped back onto my bed and let out a deep sigh.

What was I going to do?

Damian's POV

    I watched her turn away from me and run. She ran far away, to the point where I couldn't even see her. A stray tear made it's way down my face. I quickly wiped it away, not wanting to seem weak and full of emotion. I turned back around and Britney took over my view. Funny, I was beginning to forget she was even here.

"Now that she's gone...", Britney purred putting a hand to my chest. I quickly shooed it away.

"We can catch up on somethings." She smirked taking a huge step closer to me.

"I'd rather not." I crinkled my nose, inching myself way away from her.

"Oh Come on! It's obvious that she doesn't like you anymore!" She screeched in anger.

"You did something to her! To cause her to-" I was interrupted.

"Oh my goodie goodness! Me?! No! I wouldn't hurt a fly!" She smiled.

"Shall I show you my scars?" I raised an eyebrow.

She twirled a strand a strand of her hair, and bit her lip.

"Oh yes.." Her eyes getting wider, looking me up and down.

"Actually, change of thoughts.." I stammered moving my arms to cover my torso.

"Oh don't be shy I won't judge" She smiles getting closer and closer to me.

I just leaned in the opposite direction, giving her a weirded out look.

"Why did you date Kate anyways? Was there money involved..or you know..." She started trying to put her hands on me.

"Because I admire her, you on the other hand, I'd rather not ever get started.

" sure?" She smirked tackling me, and pinning me to the ground.

"What are you doing you imbecile!" I shout.

"I've always wanted to do this!" A grin was plastered upon her face, ear to ear.

    She smashed her lips down onto my, in attempt to kiss me. I just kept my lips glued shut. She kissed sloppily, she was spitting everywhere. Adrenaline rushed through my body, enough to throw her off of me. She just sat there with a crooked smile on her face, and I desperately tried to wipe every inch of Britney off me. I turned around and started running in the direction, Kyle ran in.

"Nice having a chat with you birdie!" He voice echoed through the various areas of the alley, so I didn't have a clue of where she was after I started running.

    I kept running, and my legs didn't want to slow down. Not now.Not till I found some trace of Kyle. She meant everything to my, and I wasn't just going to let her go that easy.

Troublesome Love.[Final]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang