Consequences : Chapter 13

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    Damian's POV

    Everyone looked down at Dick, who's face was beat red. Meanwhile, Tim gazed longingly at Shae, who was smirking down at her work. Suddenly, my father entered the room, holding an empty coffee mug that was waiting to be filled.

"What is the meaning of all of this?", he asked shocked.

"Shae used her voodoo magic on Dick and now he's frozen like that and I'm secretly wishing it were me who was frozen and not Dick because in order to use voodoo magic she had to lip lock with him!", Tim practically yelled.

"Also, Dames and Kate got it on last night!", Jason giggled.

Kate's face turned a deep shade of red. My face was probably identical to hers.

"Is this true son?", he shifted his gaze towards me.

"I'm sorry father. I didn't mean to disappoint you.", I said looking down at my bare feet.

"Come you two.", My father sternly said taking Kate's wrist. She struggled slightly to get out of his grip, but he held tight.

    He led us us the stairs and into my room. Still holding onto Kate's wrist, he led her into my bathroom and stopped at the trashcan. He fished through the various trash items until he pulled out a deflated balloon. Wait... that's not a balloon, thats... EEWWWW!

    Next, he walked over to my dresser, still holding onto Kate. He opened my drawer and pulled out a white box that had been opened. He looked into it and noticed that there was one packet missing. He stuck the box into his back pocket and led us down to the batcave.

    He set the... balloon... onto a metal tray and handed it to Alfred. Alfred disappeared into the batcave, carrying the tray. My father let go of Kate, and she stumbled backwards. I caught her, set her upright, and gripped her hand.

"I am very disappointed in you both. You should know better! This is why I am actually going to run a pregnancy test this time! Kate... you'll need this.", He said pulling a stick out of his back pocket. Where did he get that?

"I'm not pregnant!", She fought.

"Then you'll have no problem taking the test!", handing her the stick.

"Now, I'm going to go deal with Dick... and Tim for that matter.", he said disappearing into the darkness of the cave.

"You don't have to take it Kyle.", I reassured her.

"You should have no problem calling me Kate by now!", she laughed throwing the stick behind her. She engulfed me in a hug and I hugged back. I kissed the top of her head.

"You know what?" Kate Smirked.

"Hm" I hummed.

"Maybe I will be needing this!" She giggled picking up the stick off the floor.

"I don't understand..." I sounded confused.

She walked over to the desk in the room and picked up a pencil. She drew two parallel lines, she looked up to me and smirked.

"Let's see what Bruce does when he sees this!" She started laughing.

"So what are we going to do exactly?" I questioned her.

"I don't know...I'll just scream or something. And just act natural!"

"Oh so..."

    Before I could finish Kate let out a shriek that could be heard for miles. She then chucked the stick towards the stairs, and it actually ended up hitting a person in the head. And That person was Grayson, which  made him go off balance and fall. Kate almost fell backwards, due to almost bursting out of laughter, but I caught her. She made a weird face then hugged me tight.

"Wha-What happened!" Grayson yelled frantically.

    Neither Kate or i answered. I just started at the stick that was lying on the floor and Kate was fake sobbing into my shoulder. Grayson looked over to where I was looking and saw the stick on the ground. He picked it up and looked at the two parallel lines, and jumped up with joy.

"Uricakia! There's going to be mini Damian's and or Kathrine's running around soon!" He shouted.

Jason then stumbled down the stairs, and started laughing really loudly.

"Oh Dami! You've done it now!"

Then Tim came, then Shae, and Finally my Father. His face turned a deep shade of red, as if he was really angry. He clenched his fists, and was about to yell.

"IT'S A JOKE! I'M NOT PREGNANT!!!!" She yelled and was trying to hold in laughter.

"Nice!" Shae came over to her and patted Kate on the back.

    They both started laughing, Jason and Dick looked saddened. Tim eventually joined in there laughter, and My Father just stood there like a angry looking statue. I finally gave in and started laughing with Kate, Shae, and Tim.

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