Chapter 10: Too Many Vampire's Are My Friends

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"I hate it when you use my full name" I groaned.

"And that's why I use it" she taunted.

"But seriously. Is that the best you've got?" I raised a brow and her and folded my arms over my chest.

"I thought that was pretty good" she defended.

"You need to work on your Elena impression, put more emotion into the eyes" I gave her a tip.

"Noted" she smiled. "Now are you going to give me a hug? Or just stare at me?" she raised a brow this time.

"I don't know. Are you the reason Damon decided to drink a bit too much and kill my brother earlier?" I asked.

"...Guilty" she reluctantly admitted.

I sighed in exasperation and rolled my eyes at her, before holding my hand out. "Knife please" she picked a sharp one up from the range behind her and handed it to me, I gave her a scolding look before ramming it into her stomach, there was a barely detectable yelp but nothing more. "Did you knock me out the other night?" I pulled the knife out.

"Yes, but that was deserved considering you snapped my neck a week before you came home" she justified her reasons, they checked out. "Now do I get a hug?"

"Course you do you idiot" I pulled her in for one with a grin. "I guess I should thank you for my clothes finally arriving" I pulled away and moved toward the cupboard, pulling out two glasses and setting them on the counter, then moving towards the fridge to get a carton of juice.

"Yes, I thought I should make up for knocking you out, and taking this..." she placed my bracelet on the counter. "Thought it would make my imitation of you more believable" she shrugged.

"Only just got back and your the center of all types of trouble" I pretended to tut while slicing my palm, and allowing enough blood to fill a glass before passing it to her, I then poured myself some juice.

"Like always" she smirked and took a sip. "To the plan?" she held her glass up towards me.

"To the plan" I confirmed and clinked my glass with hers.


"I mean, Katherine looked just like you" I joined Bonnie and Elena's conversation after helping set up the cotton candy machine. "It was freakish" she looked at me for that part.

"She is our ancestor" Elena went through the remaining tasks on her checklist. "Hey, I moved the student booth area into the cafeteria" Elena tried to change the subject.

"Your vampire ancestor and she didn't just resemble you like a family member would. She was you" Bonnie kept looking between us as we moved a few bags of prizes by a booth.

"I don't--I don't know. I can't explain it. Ok? It's creepy" Elena finalized.

"Is that all you got?" I giggled slightly.

"Shut up(!)" she shushed me.

"Well, how do you know she's not still out there pretending to be you or Kat?" Bonnie asked.

"I don't." I do. "But, I could sit here and be tortured by the not knowing, or I could get these prizes to the ringtoss" Elena attempted to distract herself by opening another bag of prizes while Bonnie turned to me.

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