Prologue (revised)

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Dallytexas

"You asshole!"

All heads turned to the scene at the cafeteria doors. Shane Right had just gotten into an argument with Sarah, a girl the entire school knew he was dating for the better part of two months. It was usual for woman to yell at Shane, but it still caught the attention of everyone anywhere.

As Jesse looked up from her book minutes after everyone started staring at the drama Shane stirred, she witnessed multiple people texting and gossiping.

Tis the life of drama kings and queens. She thought to herself.

                Closing her book gently, Jesse, the blue eyed brunette felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket several times. It was something that had tended to happen all too often when a certain Mr. Right just happened to be around. It was part of her job though. Despite it being pushed to a back burner while she was in a room with others, she liked the constant vibrating of her phone. It allowed her freedom.

                What sort of job allowed her such freedom? Well she was like an undercover agent, but at the same time she wasn’t. She preferred the title of freelancer, but enjoyed yet another description of her employment: Undercover freelancer. It wasn’t the greatest description, but it was close enough.

                Removing herself from the table she sat at on the far left side of the room, she weaved through the people. She didn’t find interest in dropping into their conversations since they all ended up on her phone sooner or later. When she finally reached the aisle that was clear of all tabled and lead straight to the double doors where Shane was trying (and failing) to work things out with Sarah, someone grabbed her by the arm.

                First she thought it was one of the snobby, first rate, rich pricks that attended the college and had confused her for someone else, but she quickly realized that wasn’t the case.

“Let go, Jakub,” She told the person holding her arm without having to see who it was.

                Jakub, a tall blonde with sky blue eyes did as he was told and moved to stand in front of Jesse. His face gave off his amusement and his eyes danced with a delight. He loved how Jesse kept him wanting to know more and he found it particularly interesting that she knew it was him without any guesses. He wondered if he had grabbed her arm one too many times.

“How’d you know it was me?”

                With a smirk, Jesse ignored the question and walked around the other and towards the double doors once more. She, herself, loved to keep the blonde guessing. He wasn’t the easiest to amuse or trick so she found it fun to keep him on his toes even though she only knew it was him from his reflection that just happened to bounce off another student’s compact mirror.

                Reaching the double doors, the blue eyed girl listened half-heartedly as a group of boys at some other table called for Jakub to join them.

At least I don’t have to try and talk with him. She thought, opening one of the doors while Sarah ran through the other.

The cold November air nipped at Jesse’s exposed arms. She instantly regretted forgetting her jacket in her apartment. From senior class as Kingston High to a freshman at Lucasville Community College, she was still getting used to a lot of things.

“Here,” Shane told Jesse as he placed his coat on her shoulders.

                He had come out of the cafeteria not long after she had in an attempt to find Sarah, but gave up. He knew that it was over and he didn’t exactly want to be with her. The strawberry blonde was more annoying than he could have handled.

                Giving a silent thank you, Jesse pulled the coat tighter around herself. Her phone began to vibrate even more so now that she was in the windmill of gossip. A few feet away she could spot people whispering to one another and taking pictures. Her job was turning out to be busier than she wanted it to be that day and it was all thanks to the man who moved to stand beside her.

“Want me to walk you somewhere?”

                Looking to her right, where Shane and all his British glory stood, she smirked and removed the jacket from around her body. Sure, it was a hard decision since his jacket was so warm and she was wearing a short sleeve shirt, but it was part of her plan. What plan may that be? Well, the plan to get rid of the other. She had seen him work the coat trick many times and she wasn’t going to be a part of his annoying little harem.

“I’ll see you later, Mr. Shane” She told him, pulling her work phone out of her back pocket and walking away.

                Shane held his coat and blinked. Never before had a girl turned him down, whether it was a walk to class or even a little small talk. He found her interesting which wasn’t something that happened often. He was like Jakub without Jesse realizing it. They both liked the genuine ignoring that the brunette gave them. Sure, they trailed after the rich, high society girls who hardly paid them a piece of mind, but a city girl with close to no financial savings who ignored them so easily? That was a gift they were willing to take. Now only if Jesse herself knew what she was getting in to.

“Jesse!” Shane shouted.

                She turned around, her phone still firm in her hand as she typed away the latest gossip that everyone reported.

“You should be calling me Mr. Right.”

                Another smirk played out on her soft lips and her blue eyes twinkled.

“Sorry, but I don’t call a guy that unless they really are.”

                That had caught Shane by surprise, only adding to the amount of interest he was developing in the eighteen year old. He watched as she turned and continued walking away from him.

Well, we’ll just have to change that.  He thought, sliding his arms into the coat, I hope you’re ready.


Hi there kings and queens of drama and gossip. Guess who was spotted losing yet another girlfriend? That’s right, Mr. Shane Right lost another, but don’t sorry. It seems like he was trying to catch another fish just outside. Let’s hope little Jesse can keep the distance going.

The Truth About Mr. Right (Watty Awards 2012)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें