Tonight is Our Night

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                Outstretched fingers danced along Jesse’s stitched up stab marks. His brown eyes stared at the wounds Rowland had created and resentment grew in the pit of his stomach. How could he have let him do that to her? He should have been stronger.

                A knock came from the closed door behind him and he shook his head. There was no reason for him to be thinking like that. She was a hostage and he was a monster. It was almost like beauty and the beast except he wanted what she could give him.

“How’s she doing?”

                Turning his head around, Allen got up from the bed and walked over to the other. He made sure that his steps were quiet as to not wake the girl. Sure, the beeping of hospital appliances could have woken her by that time, but they hadn’t.

“She’s fine. What are you doing here?” He asked, looking the male in front of him up and down.

                Shane was dressed in big sunglasses, a lime green hoodie, and blue pants. The getup made the dark haired man wonder how the British player was able to stay out of jail so long in something like that.

“I came to check on her.”

                Allen raised an eyebrow at the other before feeling a sharp pain in his torso. Falling forward, the older man coughed and tried to stand, but to no avail. The next hit landed him back against the wall, his lungs working overtime for the air he had lost.

“Ass…hole.” He breathed, watching Shane walk into Jesse’s hospital room and kidnap her.


                Sirens rang fiercely through the streets of San Diego as they searched for the new missing girl. What no one knew was that she, Allen, Shane, and (surprisingly) Jakub, were sitting in the living room of Rowland’s apartment. Allen and Jesse sat across from Shane and Jakub. Everyone’s eyes stayed on everyone as the room grew silent. What was going to be the next move? They couldn’t exactly move around thanks to Shane’s event earlier that day. If Jakub or Jesse were to be found or say anything, it would ruin both of the older men.

                Why did it matter if they were ruined? Well, it didn’t. At least not to Jakub, but Jesse was a different story. For some odd reason she kept finding herself lying and protecting Shane. Was she growing a crush on the British born player? Doubtful; she already had a man of her own, though she was keeping that a secret.

“This is ridiculous!”

                All eyes went to Jakub as he got up from the couch. He was angry and agitated which was to be expected. He hadn’t asked to be kidnapped or to be dragged into the Shane and Allen lived. All he wanted was to chase after Jesse and get his mother out of his hair. Was that really too much to ask.

“Please sit down, Jakub.”

                The blonde’s eyes fell to Jesse and she looked up at him with a concerned look on her face. She had received the worst from Rowland, but Jakub had been unlucky to receive the concrete. He had skull fractures and a concussion. The fact that he was able to walk around and argue was amazing to say the least.

                They held their stares for a moment before Jakub finally decided to sit down.   Sirens rang in the distance as their stares broke, leaving the unsettling feeling of mistrust to lie heavy on the air. Allen was the first to get up and walk from the room. He gave them the excuse of being tired, but that wasn’t the case.

                When he had kidnapped Jesse earlier that day, the dark haired man had removed her cellphones. He had wanted to ask Shane or Rowland about the dual cellphone thing, but he realized that he had the one up on both of them. He closed the wooden door with ease, his back pushing against it until the wonderful click sound registered in his brain to let him know it was completely closed.

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