She Will Live

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                Allen received Shane’s message and a string of curses escaped his mouth. He was getting tired of roping himself into such mess, yet he couldn’t stop; At least not when Jesse was in danger. He thought of the girl as a sister so he couldn’t just leave her behind and little did he know that they really were related.

                Starting the car, the dark haired man started to pull off when he suddenly thought of a different idea. He knew it was putting himself in danger, but it was fool proof and something that Mia wouldn’t expect. He flipped his phone open and began to text Shane back with his new plan. A few minutes later his phone rang and he answered it.

“Are you really in town, Al?”

                The voice was all too familiar to the other and he had to hold his breath just to calm himself down. He was glad that his entire message said was that he was in town and heard Shane was around. It was the safest text he could make.

“Is that Happy Maiden I hear speaking to me?” He said with amusement drowning his voice, “Well if you’re around then of course I’m close by.”

                On the other end Mia giggled and walked around the hideout with Shane’s phone against her ear. He had skillfully managed to delete all the messages that could have given either of them away before she had a chance to snatch the electronic object from his hands.

“Is she really talking to Allen?” Jesse asked in a whisper.

                The sigh that escaped his lips was all she needed to know that Allen was, in fact, on the other end of that phone. Both brunettes mentally cursed at the man for roping himself into the situation they were in. It was bad enough that Jesse had become Mia’s play thing.

                As Mia continued to yap Allen’s ear off, her husband decided to walk away from Jesse and have a chat with Mandy. He knew it was her that gave the bruises to the other since Mia was never one to dirty her hands with punches and other abusive acts.

                Jesse wanted to follow Shane in fear that Mia was going to randomly attacker her, but decided against it since she didn’t think Mia would have liked her following the other around. As she stood there, the eighteen year old decided to slip on the heels Shane’s wife had bought her. Her blue eyes slipped from Mia to Shane, before finally resting on Mandy.

The two girls had, without a doubt, grown to hate each other with a passion. It only made sense after what the redhead had put her through the last few days and what Jesse had in turn said to her. They stared at each other from across the room and tension brewed in the air. It had grown so thick that Shane would have needed a chainsaw just to make a crack in the air.

For minutes upon minutes, the two girls stared at watch other even as Shane talked to the redhead and during that same time, Mia was chatting up a storm with Allen. That’s when it happened. As if some unknown force had taken over, Jesse hit the floor with a loud thud.

“What was that?” Allen asked, hearing the noise through the phone, “What’s going on over there?”

“How far away are you?” Mia asked, rushing over to the collapsed girl.

“I don’t know. You haven’t exactly told me where you were.”

                Giving him the address, Mia told him to hurry up by any means necessary. Odd right? For the woman who had ordered for the attack and possible death of Jesse McAdams to suddenly care so much about what happened to her at that very moment. It seemed unreal to even Shane and yet it was happening. Had being in prison for the past five or so years really softened the drug dealer? It was unlikely, but the question still remained.

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