The Turn Around

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                Allen tapped his fingers on the steering wheel while his partner in American crime flirted with a girl who was trying way too hard to flirt. He listened to the annoying chit chat between the two and watched out the opposite window as a group of kids played football (soccer).

“How is it that you know where Jesse is?” He asked once Shane said goodbye to the girl.

“I don’t.”

“Then how is it that we’re in Rimini?”

                Getting caught in his own little web, the brunette whistled a small tune which made his friend roll his eyes. He had meant to tell Allen how he had tracked down Jesse, but it was so unethical that he figured it was easier to keep it to himself. Was it even possible to tell someone that you stuck a microchip in a girl you sewed up and then lost her possible do to the chip breaking? If he even dared say something close to that, Allen would have taken his head.

                Instead of questioning the other, the dark haired driver just sighed and leaned his head against the head rest. While Shane was hiding his secret, Allen was harvesting his own regret. Even with the countless times he told himself that Jesse was okay, he knew better. Hell, the man on the freaking moon knew better. Time was ticking by and the girl he was trying to save was coming closer to death’s door than anyone realized.

“So where do we go?” Allen asked after a moment of silence.

“You’re staying here.”

                Shooting the other a quizzical look, Allen opened his mouth and then closed it. Was Shane serious? The dark haired man locked the car doors and leaned forward in his seat. Resting his hands on the wheel he looked out the window. What was the point in locking the brunette in? Was he trying to save him? And if so, what exactly did he need saving from? It wasn’t like Mia was going to kill him or even attack him. If anything, she would kill for him.

“Let me out, Allen.”

“Why don’t you want me to go with you? I’ve dealt with her before, hell, I dealt with her long before you married her.”

                He didn’t want to accept the truth. Shane knew for certain that Mia wasn’t going to attack him, but he couldn’t promise the same thing for Allen. He wasn’t about to lose the one man he considered a friend through all the shit Mia had put them through.

“Let me go alone. I promise to bring Jesse back.”

                There was silence in the car and then the sound of the doors unlocking. Without sparing a glance at one another, Shane opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle. He had made a promise to the other that he had to keep. There was nothing else for him to say and even if there was…What could he possibly say?


                Jesse stepped out of the shower and wrapped the pink towel around her body. The bruises delivered to her by Mandy were well shown. Four hours ago, Mia had taken it upon herself to wake the teen up and eat breakfast. The whole new attitude towards her was alarming, yet she still went along with it.

“I heard the water go off. Get out here so I can dress you.”

                If it weren’t for the multiple hits to the noggin, Jesse would have realized that Mia was trying to turn her into a doll. The way she talked to her so calmly and treated her so gingerly was so much different the abuse she had been taking for the past few days.

                The brunette spared a glance of herself through the mirror. She looked like she lost a fight with Mike Tyson. Jesse touched her black eye which started to go down before opening the bathroom door.

                Standing right outside the door, Mia held up a pair of skinny jeans and a baggy shirt that hung off the shoulders in one hand and in the other she held blue lace underwear in the other. As the cold shudder found its way down Jesse’s spine, Shane’s wife pushed her back into the bathroom and forced her to get dressed.

“I am so glad I got you the right size.” She smiled brightly with her British accent.

“Why are you doing this? Did a screw come loose?”

                Mia ignored the insult and continued to help the other dress despite the many times she said she could do it herself. When everything was done and Jesse was clothed, the blonde smiled triumphantly.

“Now all you need are some shoes.”

“You bought her shoes?”

                Everything seemed to stop and for a moment, Mia and Jesse stared at each other. The voice that they had heard was all too familiar to the girls and yet to hear it seemed almost like a dream. Mia was the first to turn her attention to the person in the doorway. With bright eyes she moved to hug the man she had married some years ago.

“Shane!” She exclaimed, “I thought I’d never see you.”

“It’s good to see you again Mia.” He told the blonde, giving Jesse a quick smile as he hugged her captor.

                When he glanced over at Jesse, he took note of the bruises and scrapes, but didn’t say anything to her. He couldn’t if he wanted to keep her safe. When it came to Mia she wanted all eyes on her and only subjects that benefited her. She was a real royal pain.

“Do you plan on staying with me this time?”

                The question caught the man off guard and he paused before answering her. Slowly the hatred began to build up in the woman, but she didn’t let it show. She got the answer she wanted so she didn’t take it out on Jesse. Jesse was her newest plaything after all. She had to keep her safe.

“I’ll stay with you as long as you want.” Shane whispered, causing her to smile brightly, “Under one condition.”

“What is it?” She asked, her smile dropping slightly.

“You have to let Jesse go home.”

                A silence took the room and Jesse backed away from the couple. She wanted to be safe incase the blonde decided to lash out in a fit of anger.


                The reply shocked both brunettes and they just stared at her. They knew that the other was plotting something. What other reason would there be to letting Jesse go so freely after days of abuse? And to add the shower, food, and clothes on top just heightened their suspicions.

“Don’t give me that look.” She pouted, “I planned on bring her back home today anyway.”

“But what about security?”

“Already taken care of; I got a private jet.”

                Jesse couldn’t help, but tense herself. To know that someone like Happy Maiden was so many steps ahead was terrifying. It made wondering about how she was ever caught a front burner subject (No one was going to talk about it though).

                Mia, being the person she was, kissed Shane and then grabbed Jesse’s hand to pull her from the room. Without speaking a word, the brunette allowed herself to be dragged around and listen to Mia as she gossiped about her cellmate- all things Jesse didn’t particularly care for.

                In the bathroom where Mia had left her husband, Shane made sure to message Allen. He had to at least tell him if no one else just what Mia was doing and what they needed to do in turn. Shane’s only concern was if they could pull it off without the Happy Maiden noticing.

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