We Going In Circles...Round & Round

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:D Damn , iDid A Deed On Thosee O2 Chappiess ( LOL ]

As Much As Youu Muchachas Want Me O2 Go Back O2 The Gang . . We Gotta Return To Diggy :)

Anyways , Grab Your Tissue Box &'d Begin Tearing xD


{Diggy's House, Monday July 25th}

(Lexi, Diggy, and Diggy's two cousins Tremaine and Tavionne are sitting around playing Modern Warfare 2)

Tremaine: Diggy, you sure you don't wanna play?

Diggy: (shakes head sadly) No.

Lexi: But this is your favorite game, dude.

Diggy: So what? I don't care about no stupid video game! All I want is my girlfriend back!

Tavionne: Damn...that chick must got you hooked.

Tremaine: No shit, sherlock. (turns to Diggy) What did you do to make her break up with you?

Diggy: You remember Shani?

Tavionne: You mean FINEEEEEE Shani?

Diggy: Yes, Tay. (sighs) I got hee pregnant.

Tay&Tre: WHAT?!

Diggy: Yup...

Tre: Who's the lucky girl anyway?

Lexi: Damn y'all slow. It's Zay from Mindless Behavior.

Tavionne: Oooooh! That girl is fine as hell. Nigga what's wrong with you?!

Diggy: Girl, shut up and let me finish. So Shani told me if I didn't break up with Biz, she'd tell the world about the baby. So I lied about breaking up with Biz. Shani took that as a way of saying we go out- WHICH WE DON'T. So she asked me to take her to the MB concert and then I met up with Biz and then after that, Shani told Biz everything. So Biz whooped her ass and broke up with me.

Tre: Damn bro. How you gon' get her back?

Diggy: (shrugs) I don't know. She won't answer my calls, texts, and she even deleted me off Facebook.

Lexi: I would've done the same thing. You did this to yourself. Now you gotta find your way out.

Tay: Lexi, shut up. (turns to Diggy) Have you ever heard of Star 67, dumbass? Gimme yo phone.

Diggy: Good luck with that! (hands her the phone)

[A/N: Yesss Tavionne Is A Girl Who Likes Boys &'d Girls :] , I'm Bringing All Types Of Cultures &'d Beliefs Into My Stories :D *Jacob Latimore Voice* I-I Like Em All ;* ]

Tay: Pshh! Let the playa handle this. I do it every time my wifey pissed off with me. (dials Star 67 and puts in Biz's number)

Biz's Voicemail: Wassup barbies! Zay isn't here at the moment...and to my dear ex-boyfriend, you can stop calling me, texting me, and adding me on Facebook. Leave a message after the beep!

Tay: Uh...oh....

Tre: ROFL!!

Lexi: Damn...That's funny, D.

Diggy: I'll never get her back...And now I gotta decide if my dreams are more important.

Tay: If she ain't gonna take you back...fuck her! You worked to hard on your career to let some girl rule you and SHE'S the famous one.

Tre: Tavi, shut the hell up. If Vickie found out you said that, you'd be begging on yo dusty knees too.

Diggy: Not helping.

He Plays It Like He's A Superstar★ (A Mindless Behavior Sequel) [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now