Rolling The Dice...Of Love?

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Ayeee What's Poppingg ' Slimee ? ( Nothin ' O5 ! ) . . .

Alright. . Straight Facee ;D

Now This Chappiee Is Split in O2 ; Which Meanss You Gonna Hear From Shani AND The Gang Is Headed To Atlanta For School :)


#TeamZIGGY! ( Zay + Diggy ! ]

# L E G G O !


{Shani's House, July 25th, 11:55 pm}

(Shani is on the phone with her cousins, Sodee and Morgan)




[3-Way Phone Convo]


Sodee: Wassup Shani?

Shani: Nothing...Just trying to call Diggy, but he ain't picking up.

Morgan: don't know?

Shani&Sodee: About what?

Morgan: Go on TMZ and see for yourself.

Shani: Ummm...Whatever. (grabs her iPad and types in TMZ)

Sodee: Ooooh shit!

Shani: What y'all talking about? I don't see nothing on here.

Morgan: Scroll down to the bottom, dumbass.

Sodee: Well damn, Morgan. Ain't gotta be so pushy.

Shani: Aight...Now what?

Sodee: Look at the 4th headline.

Shani: Aight...

(Headline: Cupid Is Crazy! Starr and Ray Split? Ziggy Back Together?! Whose Next...Prince and Princess? Dreamz and Prodigy? Roc and Desfunctional?)

Shani: WHAT THE F—

Shani's Mom: I can still hear you, Shaniya.

Shani: Sorry mommy...What the frick park market?! Him and that ho don't go out!

Sodee: That picture looks pretty convincing...

Shani: What picture?

Morgan: Click the link.

Shani: Aight...(clicks the link and sees the picture of Biz and Diggy holding onto each other) WHAT THE FRICK PARK MARKET?!

Morgan: If you listen to Mac Miller one more time...

Shani: Why would he do that to me?!

Morgan: Didn't you steal HIM away from her and get pregnant?

Shani: Ummm...About that....

Sodee: Nini, why you ain't tell her that you faked it the whole time just to get him to hang around longer?

Morgan: WHAT?!

Shani: Sodee, learn to shut the hell up sometimes.

Sodee: Sorry...

Morgan: What do you mean you faked it?

Shani: As you know, me and Diggy fucked and all...So I told him I was pregnant and that if he didn't break up with her, he'd lose everything. Then he took me to the MB concert...I ran into her and told her everything...She kicked my ass and all that good shit...and yup.

Morgan: You dumb as hell, Shani. One, you knew that was my crush...I let it go...and now you go do that to another girl? That's low.

Shani: Oh well...too bad!

He Plays It Like He's A Superstar★ (A Mindless Behavior Sequel) [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now