Chapter 43: Daein? Daein.

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"You see, I stained mine too," the girl pouted. Hoshi didn't bother looking at her because he was too busy CARING FOR ME


"What happened?" Soonyoung asked, "It's a mess!"

"She just accidentally spilled her coffee," I shrugged it off, emphasizing the word "accidentally"

"Just use my books, I don't even read that much," he told me, "And let's continue studying later, okay? I'll wash your coat for you," he stood up and started to fix my things for me

my eyes stayed focused on the girl who looked like a boiling pot of stew. I smirked at her, hoping that she'll blow up anytime soon.

Hoshi slightly bowed at her saying "We have to go now, bye!"

"But Soonyoungie, wait!" she pouted.

I almost choked. "Soonyoungie" wtf is that wtf wtf wtf


"Call me Daein!" she smiled, "Just so you know what to shout when you need company,"

"Uh...," Hoshi nervously laughed it off, "I didn't really ask for your name, you know," he muttered

"I'm daein to be friends with you!" she laughed.


Soonyoung replied with a smile and both if us hastened out the library. He was carrying my coat for me, even my bag.

"You don't look so good," he told me

"Oh so now I look ugly because you just saw another girl in the library?"

"I mean, you look like you don't feel good," he chuckled, "Chill, Minseul. You're getting real sensitive lately,"

"I'm sorry," I crossed my arms. He eyed me from head to toe and started to laugh out loud before pinching my cheeks so hard

"You look so tiny!" he pressed my cheeks harder

"Your coat is just big for me!!" I struggled to say, "Hoshi stop it!"

He didn't listen and just started to squish my face more and more

"It huuurts! stop!"

after the pinching session, I was surprised when Hoshi noticed that my blouse is also stained with coffee

yeah, it sucks! I swear I am going to push that Daein girl off a cliff. who cares if she's Hoshi's "number one fangirl" duh

"What are you going to do with that?" he pointed at my clothes

"Take it home and get scolded by mum," I mumbled and lowered my head. He grabbed my wrist, taking me to the locker room.

He searched inside his locker and tossed a black sweater at me

"Wear it,"

"Won't I get scolded for not wearing a uniform?"

"It's Friday, who cares? Plus, if they scold you, just tell them the truth," he shrugged. I just stood there, staring at him

I can't believe this guy

"Won't this look huge on me?" I asked

"Everything looks good on you, shut up," he started pushing me inside the girls' bathroom. He waited outside.

boys be | seventeen ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin