Chapter 153: Diagnoses

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i'd write longer than this but uhm.. 2018 started quite bad for me and i'm honestly so pissed off but it's okay.

just a thing for this chap:

pulmonary edema -  condition caused by excess fluid in the lungs. this fluid collects in the numerous air sacs in the lungs, making it difficult to breathe.

strangulation symptoms may be an early indication of an internal injury such as swelling, bleeding, fractured larynx or hyoid bone, seizures, pulmonary edema or death within 36 hours due to progressive internal injuries and/or complications.

source: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research


"i'm staying backstage," seungkwan told me "what about you?"

"i'll watch from the audience, as always," i answered. boo and i walked to the science lab room again where the hip hop unit is preparing. the others are there too. the moment we entered, we were welcomed by a song playing out loud. wow, it was like a party.

"hey, you guys are here!" seokmin greeted "hola mi amigos!"

i waved back with a smile and stepped in to drop my bag on the nearest table, where joshua was. he looked at me for a split second before breaking the contact to focus on his phone again.

"hi josh."

we didn't really talk much. maybe because it's awkward? ugh i don't know. i sat down on one of the chairs and just observed the boys do their thing. hansol was constantly complaining about why his outfit differs from the other members in the unit while they just laughed at him. seokmin and boo were taking selfies with the skeleton model, jihoon was asleep and joshua was busy playing bible games.

it felt quite empty because five members were missing.

as i browsed on instagram, daein's new ig story caught my attention. (yes, we hate each other but we follow each other too) i tapped her icon and i was surprised to see her selfie with jennie with the text 'guess who wanted to take a picture with me omg' what a liar. i doubt jennie would want a picture with her.

next was seokmin's ig story and i burst out laughing when i saw his selfie with the skeleton model with the same text daein has on her selfie with the blackpink member.

a few minutes later, hip hop unit was already practicing their performance. jihoon finally woke up, only to make his way next to me and ask if i could massage his hand so he could sleep again.

"yay thanks," jihoon muttered as he rested his head on his left arm to sleep. i grabbed the hand cream he gave me and used it to smoothly rub circles on his palm. the thing is, i don't really know how to massage stuff. but wow, jihoon's hand cream smells like strawberries, it's so adorable. although he has black hair now, i still refer to him as strawberry from time to time. never gets old.

"umm minseul," joshua called


"about yesterday..."

"oh, i'm sorry about that," i uttered "maybe we should just uhm, forget?"

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