Chapter 180: Ole Ole

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yes, this bitch had the time to edit soonyoung pics altogether to make a meme and add some stuff, yes

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yes, this bitch had the time to edit soonyoung pics altogether to make a meme and add some stuff, yes.

- anyway, i'm sorry to leave yall hanging, school has been shit, i had dance contests to practice hard for and i lost a lot of people in my life (some passed away, some broke the connection)
- anyway (2) no, i'm not annoyed at "please update" messages because it actually pushes me to update and be like "shit i have been inactive for two decades now" so thank u everyone. but pls don't attack me everyday ple a s e
- anyway (3), i'm actually really shy because i don't like promoting but ehe h eh e my seventeen ig art account is up! @mini.heart.attacks i have stuff ready to post but i'm still working on a whole svt group artwork yes i make time for this bc im failing anyway and im taking up arts fuck.
- anyway (4) I'd really like to thank all of you for staying with me. truth is, i have developed serious health conditions while i was on hiatus and i kept going in and out of the hospital but guess what? last week i finished all my medical exams and figured out now that i don't need heart surgery!! i suddenly feel like i should live a little more and treasure yall because you're all one of the reasons why im still holding on.
- anyway (5) thanks to rein the ult jihoon stan, i finally made a twitter account for svt purposes and NOT school. hmu @/1996_ksy because i wanna be friends with yall


"hyung, does the ice cream taste okay?" dino curiously asked jihoon, who just tried whatever flavor soonyoung got for him. when the small boy hurriedly ran to the bathroom, we exchanged stares. "okay then it's not okay," the youngest puckered his lips. soonyoung laughed as he followed jihoon to the bathroom.

"yo are you okay?" he knocked on the door, after a few seconds, jihoon walked out with a pale face and a towel on his mouth, "what the fuck did you feed me, kwon soonyoung?"

"horse rad-" soonyoung didn't even get to finish his reply because jihoon grabbed a spoonful of the ice cream and started shoving it into the older's mouth. "oh, kinky," seungkwan muttered, but when chan, minghao and i glared at him, he covered his face in shame. two minutes after jihoon tried his best to make soonyoung eat horse radish ice cream, we finally had peace inside the house.

"hyung, i still haven't eaten my ice cream," chan sighed, "I'm just going to eat pasta like our seungkwan hyung." the youngest stood up to go to the kitchen and grab a plate.

when he came back, soonyoung rolled his eyes and muttered, "i spent money on that ice cream, now I'm upsetti spaghetti."

"what the fuck is an upsetti spaghetti?" minghao asked while taking random pictures of himself for instagram, meanwhile, seungkwan was at the back, eating spaghetti.

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