5: Mom's gone...✔️

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As I was taking a shower I hear a whisper saying my name I stop the water slowly and I was nervous I grab the curtain and open it slowly I was on the lacrosse field with people cheering and I see Lydia on the floor yelling for help while Peter is pulling her legs "Lydia" I yell and run to her. I wake up and start to breathe heavily I take the blankets off me and see dirt on my bed I start to panic "Leave me alone" I say while a tear comes out of my eye "Unfortunately, I can't at least not yet" Peter says "Are you real?" I ask "Interestingly - that question can also be. Answered, "not yet." I promise everything's going to get back to normal, Ana. All that you have to do - Is every single thing I ask." Peter says facing the side of my face I could feel his cold breathe because HE IS DEAD RIGHT?! He has to be dead, he put his hand on my cheek and he then his claws inserts my skin I groan and follow him. "Timing is key here, Ana. It all needs to happen by the next full moon. Do you know what they call the full moon in March? It's called the worm moon. They call it that because it's the last full moon of Winter, and the worms would literally crawl out of the earth as it thawed. Kind of has the feel of a rebirth, doesn't it?" He says and I look down on my feet and there are worms I squirm because it was disgusting Peter turns around and his face looks like he has dirt and blood I back up a little bit. My arm was intertwined with his "But the full moon is on Wednesday. That's my birthday and Lydia's" I say "Exactly. And Lydia's birthday is always the party of the year, so were yours, right? Everyone wants to go to this party. So we're going to make it a very special party." Peter says he says and we were looking outside my old friends it was my 15 birthday day that year changed my entire life. "And what if we don't," I say then I see blood everywhere my friends on the floor and I could hear my screams. "I think it's best that we just make a plan and stick to it. That way no one gets hurt." Peter says and all my friends were looking at through the door "Why us?" I say "Because Annabelle Argent and Lydia Martin are not only beautiful, not only incredibly intelligent. They're also immune." Peter says "Immune to what?" I ask so confusedly "Oh, that's right. They haven't told you, have they? Bet you've felt like the last to know for a long time. Doesn't feel good, does it? You deserve to know everything. It's probably best if I just show you." Peter says I turn around to look at him on what he meant, but he was gone I turn to the other side and I see my small window and see two red familiar eyes it started to get closer I started to scream and I see the whole alpha and it jumped through the window making it shatter and jump right to my face everything turns black.


I was taking Matt home because I wanted to go out I pulled over in front of his house "So, um, about that incredibly bad idea I had." Matt said "You mean the kiss" I say looking at him "Yeah, that's the one" he says nodding and looking at me "Don't worry about it" I say "For Real?" he asked kinda shocked "Definitely" I say nodding we chuckle and just sit there "So what's going on with you and Stiles? Are you guys - you guys still together or-or what?" Matt says "Not really," I say "Not really. I - God, I hate not really. You never know what to do with not really." Matt says he says chuckling "Would you understand if I said it was complicated?" I said smiling "Not really," he says I laugh so, does Matt. He grabs my hand "But I'll try" he says I never felt like this before it's not a good feeling it feels like death, hate and so much anger, but I don't let it show I just smile I let go of his hand and I could here him chuckle and he walks out the door and I sigh in relief, gosh this night is finally over I dial Stiles's number, but he didn't answer so I was about to drive off then I see a bag I grab it I got the camera and I see pictures of the lacrosse team and I smile, but then I see me I'm walking through the halls the other I'm in chemistry laughing with Allison and Erica others of me looking at posters and walking down stairs and that are getting zoomed in and also me sitting down in the floor by myself reading and there are ones in my house reading he took them out the window and different angles I was scared then I hear a knock on my window I jump and put the camera down I look at the window and see Matt my heart is beating 1000 times faster then Stiles makes my heart beat he was about to open the door, but I lock it real quick he makes this creepy smile "Open the window" he mouths I sigh and I put the window down he smiles as if he was innocent "Forgot my bag" he says I smile "Yeah, yeah." I say while he put his hand in my car grabbing his bag he was looking at me the whole time "Some good pictures in there, don't you think?" He asks and I sigh "Yeah, the lacrosse ones are amazing. You're really talented. I was - I was - I was really impressed." I say smiling "There is a good candid of you in there too." He says I act kinda shocked, but I know it was horrible this has never happened to me before "Really?" I say "You can see some of the others if you'd like. I mean, this - This tiny little screen doesn't really do it justice, but, uh, I could show you some on my computer." He says "Oh, I would totally like that, but maybe another night." I say wanting to leave please just let me leave "Well, just for a few minutes" he says " It's getting kinda late" I say wow I'm saying that on a weekend and spring break he is totally gonna know something's wrong "It's the weekend" he says "I know, but I- You know, I-" I say stuttering because I can't think of anything "And it's spring break. I mean, you don't have a thing going on tomorrow. Do you?" He asks, there it is "I should really get going," I say "You sure?" He ask "I'm sure" I'm definitely 100% sure "Ok" he says and without knowing I let out this long exhale I didn't even know I was holding my breathe a tear comes out of my eye he really scares me he is stalking me and I don't know when it started I feel really uncomfortable what if he ever saw me changing I move a little bit so I'm not in his front door I start to cry this is the worst surprise ever, but then the conversation I had with Peter two days ago so I start to drive off. I run to my door I open the door and make the plans with Lydia and finally go to sleep.
I see Lydia holding two bags of clothes and I hug her "Happy birthday Lydia" I say "Happy birthday to you too" she says "Hey are you ok?" they both ask me "I went out with someone last night and when I dropped him home he left his bag and I look at his camera and they were pictures of me at school even in my room he took them outside of my window" I say they looked shocked and hug me "Well today is our birthday it's going to be the best ok" Lydia says and I smile and nod "I know exactly what you should wear" she says and pulls out this sexy dress I smile "That is so gorgeous" I say squealing of happiness. I hear a soft knock I turn around and Lydia says "Mrs. Argent, what do you think of this one?" she smiles and says "Oh, it's lovely. Allison, Ana, uh, can I grab you for a moment to talk? Just the three of us." I nod but Allison says "Um, can we do it later" "Actually, uh, to be honest, sooner would be - would be better." Mom says "Party's at 10," Lydia says "Um, will you be around before then?" mom asks Allison, "I think so" Alli answers back, "You think so?" mom says Allison gives her a look I walk out the room "Mom, are you okay? I saw that, did you hurt your shoulder?" I ask she turns around and smiles "Yes, I'm fine I just wanted to say Happy Birthday," she says "Thank you, um do you want me to do something about your shoulder? I have been studying about being a doctor in the future at school I know a few things that will make your shoulder better" I say "Oh no sweetie I'm fine have fun okay" she says I nod as I was going back to the room my mom yells my name I turn around and walk to her "Here I want to give this to you" she says and it was a necklace with a full moon I smile and look at her "I love it, thank you, mom, I love you so much" I say hugging her "I love you too Happy Birthday I hope to see you soon" she says I smile and walk away I turn around one last she was now gone, but what she said sounded like a goodbye and I have no idea why. I put on my clothes and get ready for school.

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