9: I'm back✔️

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"Ana, are you even supposed to be at work and when did you get back?" Scott asked me while I walked in "Uh, I haven't seen anyone yet, I just wanted to see you and Deaton and I missed my job" I say smiling then I saw a cute dog, it stood up and started to jump and I laugh Scott and I walked towards the dog and it was playing with us. I put it on its side then Deaton gets the shot ready "It's not gonna hurt him, is it?" The dog owner says "Just a little" I answer "But I usually find that it's the owners who feel the most pain." Deaton says and he's right it is always the owners then Deaton gives the shot to the dog "Alright. Well, we'll just check the stool sample for parasites, but my guess is that he probably just ate something he shouldn't have." Deaton says I grab him and put him down he starts to jump on me and Scott, no dog was ever been that happy to be with me and Scott. I look at his name tag 'Bullet' "Got a cool name" I say "He's got two brothers at home named Beretta and Trigger, Military family." The dog owners say "Really" I say he nods "Looks like he knows who the Alpha is." The dog owner says Scott and I look at him and he looks at us smiling and we smile nervously at him.

"Hey! Found something." Scott says Deaton give him a water bottle "Rinse it off" Deaton says "What is it?" Scott asked giving the thing to Deaton "Definitely poisonous for the dog.
Actually, for you two as well." Deaton says "Wolfsbane?" Scott asked "The only thing that can poison us is wolfsbane and um Mi-Mistletoe," I say and Deaton nods "Yes, this thing right here is Mistletoe," Deaton says showing us. Then I hear a whisper saying closer I fall to the ground and hold my head I start to scream, I see Bullet barking and the owner getting pulled under the garbage then I stop screaming. Scott was holding me and Deaton bends down and looks at me worried, I get up a pain is in my stomach I hold it and then run outside Bullet runs to me and when I was about to hold him he was terrified "Scott, they took the owner" I say "Who took him?" he says "I don't know, but I saw it" I say.


"You signed me up on Cross country" I say with so much anger and to Allison "You need to get in shape and if you're trying to save people lives you have to get used to the running" she says "Well, you are helping too" I say "Stop whining now go with your teammates, hurry and by the way your butt looks good with those shorts" Allison says I smile and run outside. I wanna show these people that I could run even though I love to eat, I also love to run "Hi boys" I say they smile at me "Well hello beautiful" Adan says and I roll my eyes "You really are a flirt, aren't you?" I say I turn around and see Isaac "Babe get away from them" he says I stop then I see the twins tackle Isaac down one was about to hurt Isaac so I kick him in the face. "That's one" Scott says behind "And I don't know why I did that" I say, but I kinda did, I wasn't gonna let him hurt Isaac then I see Adan growl "Oh are we going to fight now okay, yeah I'm not gonna fight" I say and keep on running then I tripped on something for support I hold onto the tree then I see my hands full of blood "Oh my God" I say then I look up and I screamed loudly as I can, the body was hanging on a tree and it wasn't just anyone it was Kyle, bullet's dog owner. Everyone comes and Isaac grabs me and asks if I'm okay and I nod then he hugs me. The sheriff and the other deputies were telling us to back up, Stiles goes to his dad and told him that he has the same injuries as the others, Isaac and I walk to Scott and Sheriff told the coach to send us away then coach says "You heard the man. Nothing to see here. Probably just some homeless kid." And I look down "Coach" I say "Yeah" he answers "He was a senior" I say "Oh" Coach says rubbing his face "He wasn't on the team, was he?" Coach asks and I roll my eyes then there was this girl yelling Kyle I felt bad for her the deputy had to hold her "Go" Sheriff says and we walk away from the scene I look at my hands and the blood was still there "You see the way the twins looked at him?" Isaac ask  "Yeah, you mean like they had no idea what happened?" Stiles says "No, no they knew," Isaac says "The kid was strangled with a garrote, all right? Am I the only one recognizing the lack of "Werewolfitude" in these murders?" Stiles says "Oh, you think it's a coincidence they turn up and then people start dying?" Isaac says "Well, no, but I still don't think it's them." Stiles says "Ana?" Isaac says and I roll my eyes "Isaac, I get why you would think the twins, but I honestly don't think it the twins, okay? First of all, they don't have scratches or bites and I honestly think there is another creature that we don't know, that is here" I say "Really Ana" he says pissed I look at him weirdly "Are you seriously mad that I didn't take your side" I said "Scott?" Isaac says and I roll my eyes "I don't know yet." Scott says "You don't know yet?" Stiles says "Well, he's got a point," Scott says and Stiles put his hands down disappointed "Seriously, dude, human sacrifices?" Scott says "Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, but you're telling me that you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?" Stiles says "That's a good point too," Scott says "I don't care. They killed that kid, they killed the girl that saved me. I'm gonna kill them too." Isaac says and walks away.
"Uh, guys um I have to-to um go," I say "Are you okay Ana?" Scott asked "Uh, yeah um I need to just go," I say walking back to school to the restroom. I was cleaning my hands and I was just sitting down on the floor in the restroom, someone opens the door and it was a teacher I get up "Aren't you supposed to be in class Miss" she says "Um" I say "Detention" she says and I huff "Whatever," I say and leave the restroom.

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