Chapter One

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As her graduation grew near all Louise could think about was her future. Would she move out like her siblings? Would she be running the restaurant? She wore her classic green dress and her pink bunny ears covering up her bed head in messy pigtails. As Louise walked home she continued to think, things were moving so fast. Everything stopped however when she ran into someone, dropping her books.

"oh god I'm sorry" she said awkwardly as she knelt down to grab her things.

"You better be four-ears" Louise froze as she slowly looked up. Logan. One of her biggest enemies.

"What do you want Logan?" Louise asked blushing, knowing she made her self look stupid. Logan smiled as he looked down at her.

"I haven't seen you in a while so I thought I'd go for a walk and see if I could find you." "Well here I am"

Louise rolled her eyes as she finished picking up her things and began walking to the restaurant, occasionally looking up at Logan to see if he was still walking with her. Logan followed her into the crowded restaurant. It was the afternoon rush so every seat was filled for once.

Logan managed to get a seat at the counter and began talking to Bob about his oder and how fast Louise is growing. "Its crazy Logan, she's growing like a weed! She's gonna be running the restaurant on her own one of these days!" Bob said in excitement. Logan smiled seeing Louise blush as she over heard the conversation.

Bob and Linda would switch places every so often so one wasn't stuck by the hot grill, Louise stayed out with the customers taking orders and delivering the food. Gene and Tina arrived soon after Logan and Louise.

"Tina your on the grill and Gene your busting tables" Linda said as she put a plate in front of Logan, a cheeseburger with some extra fries since he's kind of like a family friend. Louise came up and whispered something to her mother. "Its on the house Logan" Louise said.

"Good afternoon to you too mother" Gene said, as he walked by Logan and him high fived. Tina quietly walked past everyone into the kitchen. "Hey Tina" Logan said, Tina smiled and waved as she quickly walked away. Louise smiled as she saw Logan get along so well with the family, maybe he wasn't so bad anymore. Louise walked over to Logan in her few seconds of free time and leaned over him.

Logan wiped his face as he finished eating. "Let's talk outside" Logan grabbed Louise's hand gently and walked outside, Tina began smiling as she saw the two walk out.

"Sorry it was a bit loud in there.." Logan began. "I was wondering if we could reconnect. Life's pretty boring without someone to pick on." "So you wanted to pick on me? You wanna go tough guy?" Louise asked as she began poking him.

"How about Saturday you big dork?" Logan asked looking at his feet for a second trying to think of a way to handle if she said no.

"I guess so, just don't get to attached to seeing me" she teased. "So a date at the pier sound good?" Logan asked. Louise started to smile, she wasn't sure what to say for a moment.

"Um yeah that sounds great!" Louise answered quickly. She couldn't believe she just said that, she must be growing up she thought. Her face turned red and Logan couldn't help but blush a little too.

Logan messed up Louise's hat playfully, before she could yell at him he bent down and kissed her forehead. "I'll see you Saturday" Logan said before turning around to walk home.

Louise walked inside her face red like a tomato. She tried to ignore the family by having her face down. She couldn't help but keep smiling. It was obvious to the customers she was excited for something big.

Later that night as Louise laid in bed all she could think about was Logan. It was weird to see him again but she enjoyed it even if it was for about an hour two.

As Louise grew up she lost some of her friends, it was nice to see Logan and it was nice that he didn't make fun of her as usual. Logan must have grown up too, she liked this new Logan but she would miss the old Logan. Louise thought about Logan for a while until she fell asleep, she was excited for the weekend when Logan and her would have their date. That's when she would decide what to do with her feelings, invest them into Logan, or stop it all now.

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