Chapter Six

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"I see I see" Tina said. The day just began, Louise and Tina sat in a booth next to each other. The twins, who spent the night, sat across from them. "That doesn't sound like Rudy" Andy said while Ollie shook his head agreeing with his brother.

"Well it was. And I just I don't know what to do.. I haven't told Logan yet" Louise admitted. "He's gonna find out one way or another" Linda said over hearing the conversation. "Mom get out of here we weren't talking to you!" Louise yelled.

"Well it's true dear, he'd take it better if he heard it from you than someone else." Bob joined in. "Just go okay?!" Louise yelled defensively. The restaurant door flung open and the bell rang.

"Louise." Logan's voices was deep. You could tell he was holding back tears. "Outside now" The restaurant was silent but everyone hurried back to doing what they were doing.

Louise took a deep breath and stared at the twins wanting them to give her an excuse not to go. Logan cleared his throat loudly before stepping outside waiting for Louise. She sighed as she walked out the door.

"Let's go for a walk" Logan said softly as he began walking. "So because I wanted to have a few hours to my self you go off and make out with Rudy? Was that your way of getting my attention? Well it worked and I'm pissed." Logan began watching his feet as he walked.

Louise was quiet trying to gain the confidence to yell at Logan for thinking that. "Who told you that?! They're wrong Logan I promise!" Louise said pulling on Logan's shirt, he refused to look at her while they walked.

"Rudy told Tammy and Tammy told me. I guess she likes me more than you do." Logan said as he took a deep breath. The sadness was turning into anger. Louise knew Logan so she knew he was going to be sad again later.

"Logan I have to go talk to Rudy and Tammy, continue being mad I don't care it's not my fault." Louise stopped walking and grabbed Logan's hand making him stop as well. "I'll talk to you later okay?" Logan hugged Louise tightly pushing her head into his chest, Louise hugged back tightly. "Maybe"

Logan let go and walked away, Louise ran back to the restaurant. "Tina, boys. Let's go" Tina, Andy, and Ollie got up and ran out side. " you guys go talk to Rudy about what happened. I will go have a chat with Tammy"

"I'll call Rudy" Ollie said as Louise ran off to the park, the local hang out. "Okay we're gonna go to Rudy's house, its this way!" Ollie began walking, Andy grabbed his hand nervously. "You're not the one introuble silly" Ollie whispered to his brother. "I know, I don't want Rudy to be mad at us though"

Tina knocked and Rudy answered. "Oh hey guys" Rudy said awkwardly. "We need to talk to you Rudy, I don't think your the one in trouble but I'm not the judge of that" Rudy opened the door and everyone stepped in and sat on the couch, Rudy decided to stand. "I just kissed her then she told me to leave so I did"

"well some one told Logan a bunch of crap, that you two we're making out, she jumped on you, he was told she did it because she wanted attention. Now Logan hates her." Rudy sat down in a chair and sighed. "I liked Louise and all but I didn't tell Logan anything yet, I was going to talk to him later. I told Tammy and that was it, she's like my best friend but I told her not to tell, I'm sorry Logan got the wrong info. Louise is a great girl, I wouldn't want to ruin her life by this little mistake"

Louise walked on the side walk until she saw the park. It was the hang out for the young adults, it was usually just a spot to make out. "I knew I would find you here" Louise said as she walked up to Tammy who was sitting in the grass with a few people. "What do you want loser?" Tammy said while her friends laughed.

"Why are you talking to Logan? He doesn't like you. He's my boyfriend, hear the word my? As in in MINE" Louise crossed her arms angrily. "We'll I just thought he deserved to know who he was dating" Tammy stood up and smiled.

"Tammy I'm not going to argue with you. Have him. I don't care" Louise was already upset enough. She was surprised she wasn't crying over Logan. She knew that if Logan would just talk to her everything would be fine, she was more angry at him for not understanding. "We'll I don't want him" Tammy said rolling her eyes. "Then why get involved you dumb bimbo?! We'll now you can tell him no one wants him" Louise stormed off to go find Tina and the boys.

Louise texted Tina while she walked home. She ran into someone and dropped her phone. "I um talked to Tammy.. " Louise looked up, of course it was Logan. "I don't care anymore Logan. I guess I'm in the wrong so I'm gonna go home" Louise grabbed her phone and began walking. Logan caught up and stood infront of her. "I'm willing to listen now okay? Please" "maybe" "then you're coming to my house at let's say 7? And I guess If you decide not to show up I'll understand"

Andy and Ollie stayed late, they all sat in the restaurant like this morning. "Rudy's sorry for kissing you, he didn't want to ruin your relationship" Tina explained. "So Tammy was just being an a hole because she could. She said she didn't want Logan but if she didn't like him why would she get involved? Oh hey guys it's getting close to 7 I gotta get going"

Everyone got up, walked out side and hugged. "Tina tell mom and dad I'm spending the night at Logan's, night boys, night Tina" Tina went upstairs and the boys went home, it was getting dark but Louise walked to Logan's.

Logan ran to the door the second he heard a knock. The door flung open, Logan saw it was Louise and hugged her tightly. "Get off, get off!" Louise pushed Logan away and walked in. "What do you think your doing?" Logan asked as Louise walked in his room. "We'll I'm going to be sleeping here so I need pjs" she shut the door and changed into one of Logan's shirts.

"You ready for bed?" Louise asked as she opened the door and climbed into bed under the covers. "Um yeah" Logan walked in, turned off the lights and laid down with Louise pulling her close. "You know it wasn't me right?" Louise asked laying her head on his chest. "I talked to Rudy Louise... I know what happened, and I don't blame him your perfect" Logan kissed Louise's forehead and smiled.

"Stay away from Tammy okay? If I'm so perfect you won't listen to her" Logan nodded. Louise looked up at Logan and kissed him. "If there's a problem just come talk to me okay? We don't need to be fighting because someone is trying to be mean."

"I love you" Logan whispered holding her tightly, rubbing her back. It felt so nice to have her in his arms, all the arguing was done. He wished he could have this feeling forever.

"I love you too"

*sorry it takes so long for me to do things, I haven't had time to be writing. Thanks for not yelling at me to do things, and thanks for everyone adding this to they're lists it means you guys are reading. Love ya <3*

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