Chapter Four

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Its was finally over. High school, Louise's worst years, were over. Logan promised to wait outside of the school for her at the end of the day. Linda still doesn't like the idea of Louise being with that skate boarding older boy but gave in to the idea because Louise was happy.

Logan waited out side at the bottom of the large set of cement stairs. As the day ended Louise walked out the doors but stood on the stairs. Logan smiled and looked up at Louise only to see her smiling and laughing with a group of boys. The four of them walked down and passed Logan.

"H-hey! Louise!" Logan said catching up. "Oh hey Logan, oh you remember Rudy, Andy and Ollie" Louise said as the boys smiled at Logan. "So Louise, are you ready to go?" Logan said setting his hand on Louise's butt to show she was his. "Sorry guys we'll talk later. Have fun without me" Louise blushed as she pushed away Logan's hand to hug Rudy.

"Bye Louise I'll try to have fun without you getting me in trouble." The two laughed a bit as they hugged. Louise smiled as she pulled away to hug Andy and Ollie. The twins jumped her and hugged her tightly. "We'll miss you!" The twins said as Louise patted their backs. "We'll still hang out everyday!"

Logan began getting impatient. "Sorry boys I guess I gotta run" Louise waved as everyone went their separate ways. Louise grabbed Logan's hand and smiled up at him. "So what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know maybe you should go hang out with your boys" Logan said sourly. Louise stopped and hugged Logan tightly. "Just because we're dating doesn't mean you have to go crazy jealous silly" Logan rolled his eyes and kissed Louise's forehead.

Logan was quiet the whole walk to his apartment. Louise took the keys and ran inside, unlocked the door and shut it behind her. "Louise come on" Logan groaned as he walked inside. Logan began walking to his room as Louise jumped out and got on his back. "What do you think you doing?" Logan asked as he managed to get Louise off and drop her on the bed.

"Well I thought I'd scare you and it'd make you feel better because we're having fun." Logan kissed Louise before laying next to her. Louise curled up to Logan and smiled up at him. Logan returned a small smile and got comfortable. He began to think. What if louise ended up being to busy for him. Or what if the relationship got to stressful. Logan tried to ignore those thoughts. He knew he shouldn't be jealous or worry about the relationship breaking apart. Its Louise, if they really liked each other it would work out Logan thought.

Louise could tell Logan was upset, was it really over earlier? "You know I don't like any of those boys right? We've been dating for a few weeks I wouldn't do anything to mess things up.." Louise started trying to a sure Logan things would work out.

"Louise I wouldn't make you sacrifice friends. I'm better than that. Its just what if things don't work out? What if now I have competition? I mean all I have to offer are cuddles and some times I'm give pretty good kisses" Louise laughed as she hugged Logan tightly.

"Logan why don't we put on a movie and order some Chinese food?" Logan sighed and nodded his head. Louise walked out of the bedroom and began ordering food as Logan turned on the tv. Logan walked out and hugged Louise tightly making her giggle on the phone. "Logan stop it!" Louise whispered still laughing and Logan kissed her and played with her sides. "Okay okay ten minutes? Perfect" Louise said before hanging up. She threw her phone on the couch as Logan picked her up.

"Hey um Louise would you like to stay the night?" Logan asked nervously. "Oh.. Logan.. I-I don't know about that" Louise said jumping down. "If I did my parents would kill me, I would love to though" Louise said.

"Louise is gonna be gone for the night Lin" Bob said as he hung up his apron. "Why? Where is she gonna be?" Bob was hesitant to answer. "Well I said it was okay so she'll be staying at.. Logans...." Bob said rubbing the back of his neck. "SHES STAYING WHERE?!" Linda yelled. "Its bad enough we have to hire some kid because she's never here but now she practically LIVES somewhere else?!"

"Linda calm down. Its summer, she's an adult now, let her have her own life." Bob walked out and began walking up the stairs to their living room, Linda followed. "But Bobby what if she's having..." Linda leaned in close and whispered "sex?" Bob rolled his eyes and walked into their room. He sat down and took off his shoes. "Then that's none of our business Lin. Now come to bed" Bob took off his pants and put on a comfy pair of sweats and laid down. Linda huffed and took her pjs to the bathroom to change.

Louise came out of the bathroom in one of Logan's shirts, it went down her mid thigh so she felt better about not wearing pants. She didn't have anything to wear but Logan refused to let her sleep in her dress. Louise sat on the bed a bit nervously as Logan flipped through channels. Logan was shirtless wearing a pair of shorts as he patted the bed next to him. "You okay?" He asked louise as she moved up next to him. "You wanna ride home?"

"No... I'm just um nervous" Louise said shyly, sitting up leaning against the pillows. She occasionally pulled the shirt down making sure everything was covered. Louise kept thinking about what could happen, they just started dating; she wasn't ready for anything. Logan laughed as he laid down. "Louise come lay down" Louise got comfy laying on her side. Logan laid almost a foot away so he was able to rub her back.

"We're dating, my job is to take care of you. Not to hurt you. I made sure you had dinner, I gave you pjs, and now we're going to sleep before it gets late. Your my whole world why would I do anything to make you change the way you think about me?" Louise rolled over and smile at Logan as he pulled up the blankets. "Calm down okay?" Logan kissed Louise's forehead as she moved closer snuggling up with Logan. She felt better, she felt silly for thinking Logan would do something she wasn't ready for.

He continued to rub her back as Louise began falling asleep. "Hey Louise? Um before you fall asleep I um wanted to say I... I love you" Logan blushed hard as Louise leaned up and kissed logans cheek.

"I love you too"

*Thanks for being so patient guys! You guys are the best! I hope you enjoy the chapter. Oh one question for the next chapter, who's your favorite sibling? Make sure to comment, I have a plan for the most popular sibling. c: *

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