Chapter Five

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Louise woke up early, the bright orange light from the sun rise came through the blinds and lit up the room. Logan laid behind Louise with his arm wrapped around her waist. Louise smiled as she turned around and kissed Logan's chin, her face was nuzzled into his neck. Logan kissed Louise's head and pulled the covers over her shoulder.

"Good morning sweetheart" Logan whispered. Louise groaned as Logan's phone began ringing. She got up and made her way to the bathroom while he talked on the phone. He seemed to be getting excited, as Louise walked out she listened to him from the living. "Yeah that sounds great. 8 sounds good"

Louise walked in and laid back in the bed. "What was that about?" Logan hesitated before answering. "Some friends invited me to go to a party... So you gotta go before 8.." Louise rolled over looking away from Logan. "Oh okay, sounds good" she said mocking him a bit. Logan leaned over and kissed her head.

"Louise come on, I'll walk you home, I'll go to my party, and we'll hang out tomorrow" she rolled her eyes and curled up under the covers. "Whatever" Louise was nervous about what would happen. They just started dating, the relationship wasn't very strong. Linda began calling Louise asking when she would be home. Louise was upset that Logan was going to ditch her so she decided to leave early.

"I'll be home soon mom don't worry" "good because I have a surprise for you" Louise hung up the phone and sat up. "I guess i gotta get ready to go, you still wanna walk me home?" She grabbed her dress she threw on the floor and went to the bathroom to change. Logan changed into some jeans and his classic white long sleeved shirt and a red/orange t-shirt on top. Louise came out of the bathroom and put on her shoes. Logan sat on the bed and pulled her on to his lap.

"Louise what's wrong? Should I not go?" Louise kissed Logan's lips and rubbed his back. "Its nothing okay? Have fun tonight, I should probably get to bed early tonight anyway, I haven't slept well for a while" Louise got up and began walking outside. Logan held her hand tightly as he walked her home.

Its was close to 1 o'clock when they got to Louise's house. Louise looked at her feet, upset Logan was leaving but felt silly for being upset, he wanted to be with friends. "Okay Louise, here you are." He leaned down and kissed her. "I'll see you tomorrow" the two hugged and went their ways, Logan back home, and Louise upstairs. The family sat in the living room waiting for Louise.

"Hey I got something to tell you" Tina said as she pushed up her glasses. "Tina's moving back home!!" Linda yelled. Everyone was here but Gene, it was weird not to have him home. "Moooooom" Tina groaned. Louise smiled and hugged Tina excitedly. "Why don't we have some friends over and we can watch a few movies to celebrate?" Louise asked, Tina agreed.

It was 8 o'clock, Logan didn't text Louise for hours. Rudy, Andy, and Ollie were over, they were some of the girl's closest friends. The lights are off, the blinds were shut keeping out the moon light, everyone(except Bob and linda) was sitting on the couch. It was getting late, the movie still wasn't over however.

Louise groaned and laid on the floor. "You okay?" Rudy asked. Andy and Ollie were sleeping, leaning on each other. Tina got up and walked to her room half asleep, her hair messy from moving on the couch, her glasses falling off her nose. "Goodnight" Louise and Rudy laughed, Tina waved as she made her way to her room.

"You never answered my question" rudy said sitting next to Louise. "Oh I'm just bored, tired, and frustrated" Rudy moved closer to Louise. "What are you frustrated about?" Louise sat up and sighed, needing to vent. "Logans at a party and he ditched me early and we haven't even talked for hours" Rudy liked Louise for a while at this point, he felt bad Louise wasn't being treated the way he thought she should be. " I know you won't like to hear this, but you should be treated like a princesses" Louise rolled her eyes at that word she hated being called princess or being compared to one.

"Your one of the best girls I know and I can't help my self anymore" Rudy's voice turned into a whisper as he leaned in. He kissed Louise's lips. The room was silent except for the tv. 'Ding' Louise's phone went off. She was in such shock she didn't know what to do, somehow Rudy's words convinced her Logan wasn't good for her in those few seconds. She pulled away and a tear ran down her cheek. She jumped up and ran her fingers through her hair. "Rudy I think its time for you to leave.." As Rudy left Louise grabbed her phone off the floor. It was a text from Logan.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry about earlier. I would have invited you to the party buy I didn't think you would want to go. I hope you'll forgive me for leaving, I didn't want you to go so early this morning. Hopefully we can still hang out tomorrow. Goodnight sweetheart"

Louise started to cry a bit more, it wasn't her fault though. Hopefully Logan will understand her side. She grabbed a blanket for the twins and let then sleep on the couch. Louise crawled in bed and held the large bear logan won her on their first date. With in those five minutes Louise just lost a friend and possibly her best friend and now boyfriend, Logan.

*Hey guys, follow me on Instagram or Snapchat, message me for my stuff. We could talk and maybe become friends. Its seems a bit impersonal, I don't even use my name on here. I'm always open to talk c: *

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