Chapter Three

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Louise didn't want the family making a big deal of her leaving all the time to go be with the Logan, so she decided to leave early. Her siblings would be there all week now because  Louise is becoming increasingly busy. The house hasn't changed a bit and since Louise kept her little closet room Gene and Tina still have their old rooms to themselves whenever they come over. Louise left about ten minutes before everyone got up for work.

As the family woke up and walked down to the restaurant around 11 am there was a note on the door.

"Left to go hang out with Logan I'll be home later. Love Louise"

"Bob we need to talk to this girl, we're loosing our Louise to that boy!" Linda said as everyone walked into the restaurant. "Linda calm down, this is good. She's finally getting out and having her own life outside of the restaurant and this family." Bob replied as he walked to the kitchen.

"I think it's cute, they should be dating already." Tina said as she sat at a booth with Gene. "I hope they work out, I wouldn't want to beat him up" Gene said jokingly. "Guys come on just drop it, if Louise is happy we should be happy" Bob said as he put on his apron. "Now get to work" Linda stopped before saying anything else then stormed off into the kitchen.
Logan promised to meet her by the highschool to show her where he lived. Louise waited on a bench playing on her phone. "Hey!" Logan said to get her attention. Louise stood up and smiled as Logan picked her up and hugged her tightly.

"Logan put me down!" Louise yelled while laughing. Logan kissed Louise and set her down. Louise blushed softly and looked down at her feet. "So what are we going to do today?" She asked grabbing Logan's hand.

Logan began walking as he thought. "How about we watch some movies and order a pizza?" Asked Logan as he turned the corner. Louise nodded and held Logan's hand tightly.

It felt like forever to Louise, it took to long to get Logan's apartment. Logan walked up a few stairs and held a door open for Louise. "So where's your apartment?" "Just down the hall." Logan walked for a bit and stopped at a door numbered 12, the last one down that hall. He unlocked the door and practically pushed Louise inside.

"Its nice here" Louise said as Logan shut the door. She yawned and rubbed her eyes lightly. "Are you tired?" Logan asked as he picked Louise up. "No I'm fine" Louise wrapped her legs around Logan's waist and her arms around his neck. It was only about 12 pm, but they both have been up for hours.

Logan took Louise to his room and set her on the bed. "I cant believe you live alone, you have a tv in your room, you can have pizza every day!" Logan kissed Louise's cheek making her smile. He quickly ran out but soon came back in with a pillow and a few movies. "So since your such a baby I got some Disney movies" he threw the pillow at Louise as he put in a movie.

Logan flopped down on the bed next to Louise. She leaned down and kissed Logan before moving up on the bed, fixing the pillows, and laying down. Logan got up one last time to make sure the door was locked and turned off all the lights. He walked back in and closed the blinds making the room dark.  "Scoot it" Logan said climbing onto the bed behind Louise. Logan wrapped his arm around Louise, pulling her close.

Louise was close to falling asleep but turned around to find Logan half asleep. "Hey um Logan? Logan?"  Logan panicked a bit and woke up quickly. "What? You okay?" He asked sitting up a bit. He laid back seeing everything was fine. "What Louise I was sleeping?"

"I um had a question but its okay I guess we can talk later.." Logan rolled his eyes as he laid on his back. Louise set her head on Logan's chest. "Come on, spill it" Logan rubbed Louise's back as she sighed. "Are- are we dating?"

"I'd like to think we are" Logan said softly, slowly falling back to sleep. Louise smiled brightly and snuggled up to Logan. The two fell asleep together, the movie was left on playing.

Hours later Louise woke up to her phone vibrating on the bed. She looked at her phone to see tones of missed calls and texts from her parents. "Logan I gotta go! How is it already 7 o'clock?!" Louise said as she rushed to put on her shoes. Logan got up and grabbed Louise's hand, pulling her into him. "What's the rush?" Logan asked rubbing her back. "Logan I have to go" Louise said pushing Logan away and running out the door.

Logan was left alone in his apartment not sure of what just happened. He wasn't sure if he should be asking Louise if that was his fault or if she'd be okay. Logan laid back down, ordered a pizza and watched some tv before texting Louise. "Hey what was that about? You okay?"

Louise ran home as fast as she could. She tried to get into the restaurant before realizing no one was there. She opened her house door and ran up the stairs to find everyone staring at her.

"Young lady it is 7 o'clock! You left with out telling anyone! You never answered your phone! What do you think you're doing?!" Linda yelled. Louise and Linda never really got along, Bob was always her favorite parent.

"I was hanging out with Logan, I fell asleep at his apartment. Stop yelling"

"Louise what if something happened?! Just ugh go your room" Linda pointed to Louise's room. "Gladly" Louise mumbled as she stormed off.

Tomorrow was Monday, she didn't want to go to school just to come home to the restaurant and be to busy to see her new boyfriend. Louise smiled as that thought came to her, Logan was her boyfriend. She never bothered texting Logan back. From her room Louise could hear her mother talk.

"Maybe she shouldn't be with that boy, Bobby" Linda began. "Linda stop, Louise is finally getting out of the house and having fun. Let her have this lin" Bob said rolling his eyes. "Mom Louise is happy" Tina began. "She's actually being nice!" Gene jumped in. Linda stomped off in a fit.

Everyone went to bed as Louise smiled to her self. She won this stupid war with her mother, everyone was on her side. As Louise laid in bed about to fall asleep, she just remembered she never did her homework.

*sorry if it takes a while for me to update the story, I have school and homework and all that junk, just be patient I'll always update. If you have any suggestions or things you want to read let me know and I will see if I can add them. <3*

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