Chapter Nine

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Logan groaned as he woke up. "Logan get off! You're drooling on me!" Louise panicked not being able to move him. Logan rolled over and pulled a pillow down to him. "I'll get you a glass of water" she said softly as she got off the bed and made her way to the small kitchen. "you might as well bring me a bucket!" Logan yelled as he flopped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. Louie laughed as she brought him the water, she set it on the floor next to him. He sat on the floor, his head hovering over the toilet. "Would you like me to hold your hair, princess?"

"You're not funny" Logan said quickly. "Well don't go drinking at like what 2 am" Louise rolled her eyes and began walking away. "Come hold me hand." Logan reached out his left hand as he held the toilet seat tightly with his right hand. When Louise didn't come hold his hand he began banging his fist on the floor. "I heard! I'm coming, god give me a second. You did this to yourself don't bring this down on me." Louise sat on the floor next to this stupid boy and held his stupid hand.

"Logan I don't want to sit so close while you vomit" Louise complained as Logan looked over at her. "Well you're not the the one vomiting." Logan teased and held her hand tighter, running his thumb back and forth against her hand. It was awkward for a while, no one said a word. the only noises in the apartment came from Logan, Louise couldn't stand being there with him but she didn't want to leave him there.

"You're an idiot" Louise finally said. "Well you're the one who loves me so doesn't that make you an idiot too?" Louise huffed and pulled her hand back. "I don't love you, why would you just assume that?" Logan chuckled, he wiped his mouth and rinsed his mouth with the cup of water Louise brought him. "Don't lie to me sweetheart" Logan got up and rinsed his face with cold water. "Grab me a towel sweetheart." Logan teased. "I am not your sweetheart!" Louise said defensively and handed him the towel. As he patted his face dry he set down the toilet seat and lid and sat down.

"I may have been a bit drunk last night but I was still comprehensive" Logan said smiling at her. "so what does that have to do with anything?" Louise blushed a bit but did her best to hide it. "You love me but you wish you didn't. You don't want to admit it. I get it but like you promised yesterday or last night whatever we are going to talk about our relationship. You wanted to be loved, cuddled, kissed whatever. And you know I'll always be there for that. Now my head hurts so I'm gonna grab an aspirin or two and a cup of coffee then we can talk in bed." Louise's face turned red as she stomped off to the bedroom.

Logan walked into the room and smiled seeing Louise curled up in the blanket. "You sleeping? You better not be, if i can manage at 10 am you can too." Logan sat down on his side of the bed with his small cup of coffee. Louise rolled over and looked up at Logan, the blanket covering everything but her head. Logan leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Don't do that" Louise's stomach grumbled. "Want me to make breakfast?" Logan asked. "You're the one who's sick. I don't need you to take care of me!"

"Well you gotta eat. We're gonna go get breakfast, my mom makes great pancakes" Logan went on rambling about pancakes verses waffles. "You want me to meet your mom? The woman that kicked you out?" (*hey guys let me know if I brought up Logan's little back story, I couldn't find any but I thought I had brought it up before. I just don't want to repeat anything.* ) Logan rolled his eyes and sat back against the pile of pillows and looked down at Louise. "I was just talking about breakfast, I can make some pancakes" Logan leaned down and kissed Louise's forehead before taking a large drink of coffee. He took his coffee and walked to the kitchen.

Louise got out of bed and ran after Logan. "I can take care of my self, you don't have to do stuff for me. We aren't dating" Louise said defensively. Logan sat his mug on the counter next to the stove and walked over to Louise. "Just be quiet" Logan said as he picked her up at set her on the counter. "Stay right here got it?" Louise huffed and crossed her arms. "So.." Logan started. Louise ignored him. "You don't want to date I get it. But you don't want to get rid of me. We could be some sort of friends with benefits." Logan winked playfully at louse as he started pulling things from the cupboards. "Logan we had some good times but I just don't think we were made for each other. Maybe all this crap was a sign." Louise hopped off the counter and walked to the bedroom. "call me when breakfast is done." It was obvious she was avoiding the topic.

Logan let her be alone for a while, she sat in the room watching movies. He wouldn't be surprised if she fell back asleep. After a while Logan walked in to the room with a small plate of pancakes and the bottle of syrup, he set both on the nightstand next to Louise. "Hey- Hey babe" "Don't call me that" Louise mumbled as she sat up to grab her pancakes. "Where's yours?" She asked smothering her plate with syrup. " I already ate I didn't want to wake you so" Louise began eating, staring at the tv hoping Logan wouldn't bring up their relationship.

"You don't have to talk I just need you to listen okay?" Louise continued eating not bothering to acknowledge him talking. "I love you like so much Louise. Even if we don't date you're not going to get rid of me. I'm still going to be your best friend that you come to when your sad or bored or angry. I'm Always going to be there for you and you don't want me to leave." Louise started to blush lightly. She set her plate back on the night stand and sighed. "You take care of me and I take care of you. Who else is going to go drinking and wake you up at 4 am to tell you how much I love you and I can't be with out you-" Logan started to joke before being cut off by Louise.

'You came home a mess Logan! You just laid on me crying that you messed up." Louise said looking over at him. "I remember being more subtle and romantic about it." Logan blushed heavily and looked at the tv. "It was cute. You're my little Logan Berry Bush. I could never live with my self if I let you go. I love you Logan I just... Okay listen. I love you, and I don't want to lose you but just we weren't made for each other. " Louise was getting frustrated. "I see it as a test Louise. If we couldn't make it around this stupid thing then yeah we weren't made for each other. You know I would do anything to fix it, I just don't know how..." Logan began crying a little, a few small tears ran down his cheeks.

Louise leaned up and kissed Logan. "We just gotta take it easy for now okay? We can hold hands and hug and even nap together. But I don't want kissing and all the relationshipy kind of stuff. Does that make sense?" Louise asked awkwardly. "we can figure it out" Logan said as he cupped Louise's face puling he into another kiss. "Logan stop it" Louise said giggling as he kissed her face, jawline, neck. "Since we're gonna be together forever how does Louise Bush sound?" "Logan this is what I'm talking about, knock it off" Logan rolled his eyes as he laid down and pulled Louise close to him. "Today you stay here. You can go home tomorrow" Louise laughed as she got comfortable.

Now that rules were placed it was impossible to resist Logan, she just wanted to kiss him and give him anything he wanted. The two spooned, Louise held Logan's hand at her waist. "Would I have to switch my name? Or did you already declare my future name to be Louise bush?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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