Chapter Seven

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"Good morning" Logan's voice was deep and scratchy, yesterday was emotional for him. He was the big spoon while the two cuddled. He kissed her shoulder softly as he threw his arm around Louise's waist. "Logan it's very early right now, I just want to lay in bed and be quiet"

Logan smiled and hugged her softly, letting his sweet Louise sleep. Logan's phone started buzzing on the nightstand next to Louise. "Oh god babe I got it" Logan reached over to grab the phone but Louise got to it first.

"Why is Tammy texting you at 8 am?" Louise rolled over on to her back, holding the phone angrily. "Because she likes to make you look bad, but no one can do that" Logan leaned in and kissed Louise's forehead.

"If you need comfort just let me know?" Louise read the text and rolled her eyes. "It's 8am!" Louise huffed and rolled back over, slamming the phone down on the nightstand. Logan leaned in and cuddled her like before. "Ignore her, she has nothing on you. Your the most beautiful, perfect girl on the planet. You're all mine. And I'm all yours" Louise smiled and rolled on her other side to face Logan.

"If I'm so perfect why would you listen to her at all and not come talk to me?" Logan didn't want to talk about yesterday. He was being overly sweet to make up for being so stupid. He should have never listened to Tammy in the first place but she was the only one who told him, it seemed to him everyone was lying about the subject except Tammy who told him flat out what happened.

"Louise I just.. I just love you so much I couldn't believe your lips were on someone else's. I was scared you didn't love me anymore" Logan's voice went soft. He didn't like to have conversations like this, Logan avoided sad things. Louise sighed and cuddled up to Logan, his chin rested on her head.

"You know I love you, if I didn't I'd tell you" Louise said as she hugged him tightly. Logan couldn't help but feel better, Louise made him undeniably happy. Louise wanted a simple sweet relationship, Logan would focus on her and she would focus on him; the kind of relationship where they made each other better people. Louise told her self she was happy, she knew something was wrong but decided she would lay there with Logan until she felt better. Louise soon found her self trapped in Logan's arms while he fell asleep. Her little trick had worked, she closed her eyes and listened to Logan's heart beat until she fell sleep with him.

Logan held Louise's hand tighter than usually, she didn't think anything of it. Louise rubbed her eyes while they walked, the two slept for hours. As they came close to the restaurant Tina stepped out breathing in her normal panicky way, Gene stepped in front of Tina and ran to Louise. Louise let go of Logan's hand and hugged her brother tightly. "I thought you weren't supposed to be her until next week!" Louise said excitedly. "I was on the phone with Tina and she told me some stuff was going on, and well i thought you would need me to be around for you."

"oh Gene it's okay, everything is better now don't worry" Louise was happy now, she put Rudy in the past, she only hoped Logan did too. "um no it something else.." Gene and Tina stared at Logan, who looked nervously down at his feet. "Louise can i talk to you? it really important" Logan said as he grabbed Louise's hand. "umm" she started off. Gene and Tina nodded. "sure lets go" as the two 'happy' couple walked the siblings went inside.

"so what did you have to tell me so bad?" Logan leaned down and kissed Louise before talking. "oh haha is that it?" Louise said blushing softly. "I just had to do that once more.." Logan sighed as he held back tears. "Logan?" "Louise I did something bad.. I thought you didn't love me anymore.. so I um.. kissed Tammy" Louise started to cry. " so when she texted you saying she could comfort you she already did?!" Louise ran off to the restaurant and in a desperate need to talk Logan ran after her. As they ran into the restaurant they saw Tammy... sitting across from Gene and Tina at a booth.

 "you have some explaining to do Logan, and you better do it fast." Tina said. Tammy stood up and walked towards Logan as she smiled. "you'll forget her soon" Tammy said holding Logan's arm. " what is wrong with you?! i love Louise, shes a perfect angel! I was lucky to have her." Logan said defensively. " you were the one who came on to me, good thing I stopped you" Tammy laughed as Logan shuck her away. "you can have him" Louise said angrily as tears ran down her face. she pushed Logan aside and went next door to go home. "I think its time every one left" Bob walked out from the kitchen and in his best dad voice told everyone to go. "I cant leave until i talk to Louise, just once to explain."

Linda came out swinging a towel. "You hurt my baby!! you two get out of here!" Tammy rolled her eyes and laughed. "I wouldn't want to be here anyway, whatever losers. Logan lets go" Tammy reached out for Logan's hand but Logan pushed her hand away. He swung the door open and walked out looking furious, he only walked so fast was because he began to cry. "he doesn't like you, you just made two people lonely so you could stay lonely" Gene said as he leaned over the booth. "loser" Tammy mumbled before leaving.

"no one talk to Louise unless she wants you to, she's at a fragile state where if you bother her she will most likely rip you to pieces" Linda said as they all closed the shop and went home. Louise's room door was open when they came in, there was no sign of Louise. "Bobby wheres my baby?!" Linda began yelling nonsense as everyone sat on the couch. "she'll be fine Lin she probably just went for a walk. I'll call Logan i guess and see if she's with him"

Logan cleared his throat before answering the phone. "shes just running around at night?! where would she have gone?!" Logan began panicking probably more than Linda. He began running, checking all the spots Louise would go to hang out. He finally found her sitting on a bench outside of their old school. Louise had her feet on the bench and her hoodie over her knees. "oh thank god you're okay" Logan said running up to her. "Logan go away I don't want to talk to you. Ever." Logan stood in front of her and started to cry again. He didn't care if people saw anymore, especially not Louise, she would understand his tears. "Logan stop" He collapsed and sat on his need on the side walk, crying hard. "Logan please no more"  Louise started to tear up, it took her a while to stop crying she felt silly for cracking like this.

She got eon the ground and sat close to Logan. He jumped on Louise, hugging her tightly to the point the two fell over. "Logan! Come on get off! I- I hate you!" he refused to let go, he knew deep down she didn't mean that. "will you come home with me?" Logan asked sniffling, using his shirt as a tissue. That's when Louise snapped, she couldn't keep her tears in anymore. "Just for the night. Just for sleeping." Logan's face light up. As he stood up he pulled Louise with him. "I love you I love you so much" Logan muttered while he hugged her and wiped off the dirt from her hoodie. "Logan... we cant date right now...." He continued to mutter to him self while tears rolled down his cheeks. " I don't care, I love you so much, I always will and you will have to deal with it."

When the two arrived at Logan's it felt different to Louise, comforting. Logan grabbed a shirt out of his dresser and handed it to Louise. "I'll be in bed" Logan still had a few tears rolling down his face, they were tears or joy, he thought Louise would never talk to her again. Louise kicked off her shoes by the door and slowly made it to the bathroom, it was all so different, you could tell it was full of love now. Logan walked around the apartment and turned off the lights. When Louise stepped out of the room it was pitch black except  the moonlight showing though the bed room window. Logan pulled away the covers so she could lay, he covered her up and held on to her tighter than before. "I love you" "please stop" the two laid together for hours before they could fall asleep, they didn't talk though, it felt nice just to lay together. " I love you" Logan whispered as Louise fell asleep. He kissed her head and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I love you so much Louise.'

*I'm sorry if there are any errors, its pretty late and I finally got a computer today so stories will come out faster I think but they may have little errors that a phone would normally fix. Love ya guys <3*

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