Chapter Two

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Saturday morning had finally arrived. Louise woke up and checked her phone to see a text from Logan. "I hope your excited for today :) <3"

Louise smiled and quickly got dressed, she was about to put on her bunny ears but decided not to. If this was growing up, not being her usually self, she didn't like it. Louise thought about growing up and her now growing relationship with Logan as she walked down stairs. Louise had to work today but that wouldn't bother her. At work it was noticeable how cheery she was.

"What cha smiling about?" Gene asked Louise as Gene sat at an empty booth. Tina sat next to Gene, the two looked at her, forcing her to sit with out saying anything. Louise had told her parents the other day she had plans so Tina and Gene would have to fill in for her, maybe for the rest of the week depending on what would happen tonight. "Well um you see..." Louise began but was quickly cut off by Tina.

"LOUISE HAS A CRUSH ON A BOY! IS IT LOGAN?!" Tina yelled. Tina knew everything about boys, well at least a little to be able to know what was going on. Louise leaned over the table and put her hand over Tina's moth and whispered. "Shut up shut up shut up!! I don't like anyone especially not Logan!"

Gene exchanged scared glances with Tina as Louise slowly sat back down. "I'm hanging out with Logan today.. As friends." Louise continued. Gene made Tina move so he could get out of the booth. "If you say so." He said as he began walking away. Louise and Tina talked for a while before being forced back to work.

Logan came over to the restaurant around seven pm, as the sun began to set. Louise thought of everything that could go wrong as Logan walked through the door, he was greeted with smiles and waves. "So where are you guys going tonight?" Linda asked.
"We're hanging out at the pier" Logan replied. Louise grabbed his hand and began walking outside. "Bye Belcher's!" Logan yelled as he was pulled out. "So what are we going to do first?" Louise asked excitedly, still holding Logan's hand.

"Woah! Where's my Louise?!" Logan teased. "Wheres four ears?" Logan pretended to panic, Louise punched him in the arm and rolled her eyes. "I'm just playing, calm down two ears" Logan leaned down and kissed Louise's cheek, he thought about actually kissing her but was scared Louise would flip especially after making fun of her.

"Well I was thinking some games, then maybe a nice junk food dinner, then we'd finish the date off with some ice cream on the docks and hope you don't fall in" Logan smiled, nervously not making eye contact in case louise would be upset and say no to his plans. Louise tried hard not to jump out of her skin, her first real date sounded perfect. Logan looked down at louise while she wasn't paying attention, it was obvious Louise would enjoy today.

The next hour or two was spent playing games, riding the roller coasters, eating corn dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, and practically every unhealthy snack fried. Logan ran away for a minute while louise wasn't paying attention. She got worried while she looked around, there was no sign of Logan. After a few minutes Logan sneaked up behind her and scared her, making her scream.

Logan handed her a large pink bear, almost as tall as her(she's let's say 5ft5in tall so the bear would probably be 4ft). Louise laughed as she took the bear, she kissed its head then got on her tiptoes and kissed Logan's cheek as a thank you.

Once it got dark Logan thought it'd be best to take louise home soon. "Weren't we going to get ice cream though?" Louise asked with puppy dog eyes not wanting to leave just yet. Louise held the bear close to her body with both hands; which made her cuter to Logan. Logan laughed and rolled his eyes. "fine, follow me" he said walking out of wonderwarf to a small ice cream shop about a block away, they arrived right before it closed.

Louise passed off her bear to Logan as he handed her ice cream. He carried the bear easily under one arm while eating his ice cream. Louise tried to eat as neatly as possible but still ended up spilling a little on the bottom of her dress. Logan laughed which made Louise more embarrassed.

"Oh shut it" she said as the walked to the docks. Louise kicked off her flats before sitting down. Her feet barley touched the water, Logan laughed at her again as he set the bear down, handed louise his ice cream, kicked off his shoes and rolled up his jeans. Logan sat down and reached out for his ice cream, Louise looked at him then licked it.

"There you go" Louise laughed as Logan took his ice cream and began licking it anyway. "Your such a child" he said rolling his eyes. He kicked the water splashing Louise a bit. The two sat in silence till their ice cream was mostly done. Neither of them new what to say. "You know today was fun" Louise began. "I'm pretty surprised honestly."

Logan dropped his cone in the water and watched the fish nibble at it. "See? I'm not so bad. I'm glad you had fun though." Logan stood up for a while and waited for his feet to dry before putting on his shoes, Louise did the same.

It was now dark, the moon light up the town. "Come on put your shoes on, its getting late." Logan said while putting his own shoes on. Louise slipped on her flats and held Logan's hand tightly while he grabbed the bear. Louise practically skipped the way home, Logan smiled down at her, he didn't want to embarrass her so he kept quiet.

"Hey logan?" Louise looked up at Logan nervously. Logan looked forward as he walked Louise home. Street lights lit up the side walk in an orange tint. "I was thinking that we should be spending more time together... Like go on a few more dates and see where it goes- I mean we don't have to, we could just hang out.."

Logan stopped in front of Louise's house door. Louise looked down at her feet thinking Logan's silence was a no, she grabbed the large stuffed bear and tried to walk inside. Logan stopped her, wrapping his arms around Louise's waist and pulling her close.

"Another date you say? Such a hard decision" Logan teased making Louise upset. The boy rolled his eyes as he gently pushed Louise's chin up to get her to look at him. "Calm down louise. I haven't seen you for what feels like for ever! Why wouldn't I want to spend every free moment with you?" Louise felt better as Logan talked, maybe she made the right choice to go today.

The two stared at each other for a moment until Logan finally got enough courage to kiss Louise. She stood there blushing heavily, Louise wasn't sure of what to do; she didn't think she'd ever have feelings for this devilish boy let alone kiss him!

She fell into the kiss though, her face slowly lost its red color. Louise dropped the bear to wrap her arms around logans neck. Logan couldn't believe what was happening either. He was catching feelings for a girl who he thought hated him. Logan couldn't explain what was happening even to him self.

Logan held Louise tighter, wanting this awkward beautiful moment to last forever. It was quickly stopped however by Gene and Tina who looked out the windows of the house and began hooting. Logan pulled away, his face red like a tomato. He took a deep breath as he slowly let go of this stupidly cute girl.

"I'm so sorry for them..." Louise said softly. She got up on her tiptoes and kissed his lips quickly before looking up at her siblings. "Why are you guys here?!"

"We wanted to see how the date went" Gene replied. "I told you it was a date!" Tina said proudly. Logan leaned down and whispered to Louise. "How about tomorrow we go for a walk and we can go to my place. We could watch a few movies" Logan kissed her cheek one last time before messing up her hair.

"Night two ears" Logan said, about to leave. "buger brain" Louise mumbled making Logan laugh. Louise opened the door and slammed it shut. "I told you it was a date" Tina repeated as Louise came up the stairs. "If you guys tell mom or dad your dead" Louise threatened. The two roll their eyes and walked to bed.

Louise sat on her bed in the dark, she couldn't get over that Logan, that stupid boy, kissed her today. She couldn't believe she kissed that stupid boy back today. Louise thought about it.. She was catching feelings for him, real feelings.

While at home Logan thought about the kiss as well. That girl almost ruined his life a few times, and he kissed her. What started off as a small crush with a girl he barley saw, has escalated so much in the past two days. Logan knew he wanted more out of this, he was scared to Louise to date him even though he knew she would say yes. What if it didn't work out though? He missed the old times, when he could laugh at her and it wouldn't hurt her feelings. He liked it now though but things are just so different, maybe that was the best.

Today was the best day Logan had in a long time. After spending so much time with Louise his one room apartment felt a lot bigger than before, Logan found himself feeling lonely. If he wanted Louise to come over tomorrow he would definitely need to clean.

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