Chapter 1

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It started out as an ordinary day, like always. Marinette was late for school again. As she rushed into class, she heard Chloe and Sabrina snicker, most likely at a snide comment Chloe had just made.

"Girl, why are you late again?"  Alya asked as she sat down. "Over slept" was all she replied with, collapsing in her seat. "Well, your lucky the teacher had to run out for a moment, other wise you'd be in some serious trouble". Marinette just sighed in agreance  as she retrieved the necessary materials for class from her bag.

The teacher returned and class resumed with out a problem. That is, until she couldn't take Chloe's talking any more. "Ms. Borguois! Please be silent and let me teach my class!". "Why don't you be quiet and leave me alone before I have daddy fire you. You have no right to tell me what to do."  Chloe huffed in response. Luckily, before the argument could progress any further, the bell ran to signal class was over.

"Man, Chloe sure was harsh to the teacher today, don't you think so dudes?" Nino asked his three friends that resided with in the first two rows of seats. "Yeah, she doesn't have a right to talk back to her like that" Adrien agreed. Alya and Marinette nodded in agreance.

Not long after the teacher exited the room, a crash was heard. "I am the Silencer, those who wish to speak over me will be silenced!" The teacher screamed, returning to the class room as an akumatized victim. "Wow, another akuma resulting from Chloe. This sure is helpful for the ladyblog" Alya commented as the class was sent into a panic.

"Be silent" the silencer yelled, shooting beams from a piece of chalk. Any beam that hit a student automatically silenced them. Any beam that missed, blew a hole through whatever inanimate object it hit. Marinette was about to run out to transform, but she saw the teacher point the chalk at Adrien. "LOOK OUT" she screamed, grabbing him and pushing him to the ground.

A hole appeared on the floor near where they hit the ground. It crumbled near them and within seconds they fell through the floor onto the level below. Adrien heard a gasp come from behind him as the arms that protected him fell away once they hit the ground for a second time.

He sat up immediately and looked around and spotted Marinette not far away, sprawled out on the ground a few inches from him. He panicked, wondering what to do. Should he stay with her till some form of help arrived, or transform into Chat Noir and battle the akuma until his lady showed up.

Luckily, not much time passed before Alya an Nino showed up, worried about their friends safety. "Adrien, dude you ok?" Nino asked his friend worriedly as Alya went to go check on Marinette.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Please keep Marinette safe, I have to go let Nathalie know that I'm ok. I'm sure she's a bit worried about me" Adrien rambled as he started to run out the room they fell into. 'Thank god, she'll be ok now' he thought while running towards the bathroom. "Plagg, transform me" he cried.

First chapter, whew. Hope it turned out ok. Let me know, if anyone reads this, what you think. I will be posting another chapter, but I don't know what after that. If anyone reading this had any ideas, please let me know. Thanks 😄

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