Chapter 5

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By the time Tikki had finished explaining, hospital visiting hours had ended. They decided that Adrien would transform into Chat Noir and visit Marinette.

It took a while, but he finally managed to find the window for Marinette's room. He managed to sneak in and saw the sleeping girl laying down in the hospital bed.

Tikki immediately flew over to the sleeping girl checking her vital signs and the papers at the edge of the bed.

"It looks like she's fine" the kwami sighed in relief. "Just a minor concussion and a few scrapes and bruises. Isn't that good Chat?.... Chat?"

Tikki turned around when Chat did not reply immediately. He had run over to Marinette, holding her tightly, tears leaking from his eyes.

"I'm so glad. You're ok, you're going to be ok!" He cried into the young girl he held her as tightly as he could. He felt her move and whimper slightly.

"Please.. Loosen your grip Chat.... It's hard to breath with you holding me... So tightly" the small figure managed to gasp out.

"Sorry" Chat responded with a sheepish grin, loosening his grip on the girl he loves. He stared into her eyes, tears threatening to spill over again.

At that moment, Tikki cleared her throughout and made her presence known. Chat blushed a deep red and moved so the small kwami could give Marinette as big of a hug as the tiny body she possessed could.

"I was so worried about you. Thank god you're ok. Don't do anything as reckless as that ever again"

"I'm sorry" Marinette replied. "But, I do have one question for you. Why are you with Chat?" Marinette asked with slight worry lacing her words.

"Well..." The kwami started.

"Here, these are yours" Chat blushed as he held out her earrings. He waited for her reaction and expected some form of outburst from the small girl. Instead what came was something he didn't expect at all.

"Thanks" she said in a small voice. "I bet you're disappointed that it's me, a normal girl who is clumsy an-"

"Why would you think that" Chat cut her off. "If anything I think you're even more amazing and love you even more" he told her.


"Would I ever lie to you bugaboo?" He said with a slight wink.

"Thanks Chat" she responded, blushing while putting the earrings back in.

"Now, why don't you get some sleep. You've had a long day and need the rest" Chat replied.

"Alright" Marinette responded drifting off to sleep. "I love you, kitty" she mumbled before falling asleep.

"I love you too princess" Chat responded, kissing her forehead. He turned to Tikki.

"I'm assuming you're staying here with her" he whispered to the kwami.

"Yes. She's doing better than I thought, but I still want to keep an eye on her in case something happens" Tikki replied sounding exhausted.

"All right. I'll be back tomorrow."

"As Adrien or Chat?" Tikki asked slightly teasing the boy.

"Both" Chat smirked from the window before leaving to get some sleep himself. He has a long day tomorrow.

A/N: Hey all. Another chapter down. I wonder what he's planning on doing. 😉 thanks for reading this far. Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to let me know in the comments. I'm always curious as to whether or not those who read my story are thinking so feel free to let me know. Thanks again and have a great day.

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