Chapter 10

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Chat Noir rushed into room 420 that held Marinette. He rushed in right as she began to wake up.

"Huh, where am I? CHAT! What are you DOING here!?!??!?" Marinette exclaimed as she awoke.

'Shoot' Adrien thought. 'I forgot that right now I'm Chat Noir, not Adrien. I guess I forgot about that detail while I've been worried about Matinette.'

"Well purrincess, I saw you collapsed in a certain knights arms and he let me take you to the hospital since he knew he wouldn't be able to get you here as fast as I did." Chat Noir said hoping that that would be enough to convince the young girl. Fortunately, in her current state, it was.

"Alright. I should probably head home now though, my parents must be worried sick."

At the mention of going home, Chat suddenly remembered what the doctor had said.

"Ok purrincess, but I have to carry you there. Doctors orders." He purred.

"Huh?" Marinette wondered out loud.

"Yep" Chat smirked as he bent down to pick her up from the hospital bed she was sitting in.

"W-wait, C-Chat, what are you doing!?" She practically screeched as Chat picked her up and held her in his arms 

"I'm taking you home, obviously." Chat replied like her previous question was the stupidest thing he had ever heard and his actions were beyond obvious.

She gave in because she was too tired and her head hurt too much to argue.

"Fine, but no more cat puns. They are really starting to get annoying." She said the first part reluctantly, but put emphasis on the second part.

"Ffffiiiiinnneeee" Chat drew out reluctantly. He gave her a slight smirk before taking her out of the room towards her home.

On their way out, they ran into the doctor who gladly discharged the young girl, emphasizing the need for rest and consuming lots of liquids.

Once they reached her house, Chat brazenly walked through the front door, carrying the frail girl without caring about what her parents would inevitably think, wonder, and say. Fortunately, they gave the two teens no trouble and let them pass with almost no acknowledgment, not wanting to ruin the mood between the two.

Once they reached Marinettes room, Chat gently placed her on her chaise.

"Chat, I have something I need to say, or, rather, to ask"

"And what could that be M'lady?"

"Well, since you know who I am under the mask, I want to know who you are. I mean-"


"..I just thought. Wait, WHAT?"

"You heard me, I'm not as strict about this whole secret identity as you are m'lady and I think it's totally fair for you to know who I am in return."

A/N: Sorry this is so late! Not that much inspiration and I've been doing lots of College prep (I know my dorm, but I still don't know who my room mate is and it's driving me insane!!!!!). I have one more chapter planed for this. I don't know about you guys, but I am so hyped for those miraculous dolls and season 2. Those who seem to read this are quite quiet aren't you guys? Feel free to leave a note of approval, criticism, randomness, what ever. I want to get to know the people who are reading this a bit, what you guys enjoy and whether or not you guys would be interested in another story and have something you want me to write about, or just say hi, or talk about potatoes. Honestly, I don't care, I just think it will be fun to read what you guys comment and have to say. Will that's all for now. Later and peace y'all.

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